








10级3 . 2护理专业《英语》期末考试试卷(B卷)I .单项选择(40分)分数。


1._ _ _ you like to come to the cinema with us tonight?a . can b . could c . would d . have 2 _ _ _ you mind changing places with me?A.Can B.Could C.Would D.Have

3.talking about the weather _ _ _ _ a way to greet some one you pass on the street . a . are b . is c . have d . have Bei _ _ _

A.late for b . being late c . being late for d . be late for 7 .he couldn' t blamed anybody _ _ _ _ him .

A.not believe b . didn ' t believe c . for not believing d . to believe 8 . his _ _ _ _ bike couldn ' t have brokn S old b . two-yeaathe boy concentrated _ _ _ that he felt set N so well 10。When I arrived home,my parents _ _ _ dinner . a . arehavingb . washavingc . hadhadd . had 11 . I know the girl _ _ _;_ _ works in the book store . a . whose b . what c . which d . who

13.are these all the letters _ _ _ _ _ came in this morning ' spost . a . whose b . that c . which d . who 14 . this is the man _ _ _ _ who

A.beautiful b . beautifully c . beauty d . most beautifully 16。she ate a piece of meat which _ _ _ _ like chicken _ us a meal . a . are cooking b . cook c . prepare d . havecook 18 . whatabout \the teacher suggested that they _ _ _ a rest . a . should have b . Menu and take your order . a . through b . in c . after d . into评分评估者

二。用适当的介词填空。(on、at、for、since、in、to、of)(10分钟)1。We are usually at home _____ night .

2.the president made a political speech _ _ _ the fourth of July . 3 . I invited them _ _ _ my eighteenth BIM People give each other gii

6.he has been studying English _ _ _ last year . 7 . he was late again because _ _ _ _ a computer game . 8。




fire can help people in many ways . but it can also be very harmful . fire can keep your house 1,give light and cook food . but fire can burry 2。Big fires can burn trees,houses,Animals or people . nobody knows how people began to use fire . but there are 3 interesting old stories about hout.a man . the man 5 a very long time ago . he went up the sun And 6 fire down . today people know how to make a fire with matches . children some to Lay with them . but()1 . a . warm b . warmer c . cool d . cooler()2 . a . either b . neither c . also d 4 . a . overb . about c . a littled . no()5 . a



the boy who was cleaning shoes in the street said to a young man passing by:' let me clean your shoes . 'the young man answered' no.y a penny,sir,' said the boy,but the young man again refused .

then the boy told him that he would clean his boots tor nothing . the young man agreed to this,And soon one boot was shining brightly . then he put his OShe turned back and gave the boy two pence。in a very short time his boots shone bridge

A.he works as a worker . b . he works as a shoe cleaner . c . he does nothing . d . he works as a shoe maker。()2 .wws The boy asked him _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a. to help him B. to give him money

C.to have his shoes cleaned d . to change a large note for him()3。how much did the clever boy ask the young man to pay him first?a . one penny b . towpence c . nothing d . a lot of money

()4 .did the young man agree with the boy at first?A.of course not b.certainly c.yes、he refused d d.no和he didn' t refuse () 5。the young man paid the boy _

A.more than the boy first asked b . less than the boy first asked c . as much as the boy first asked . as much as the man had b

a young officer was at a railway station . on his way home,he want de to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train,So that she could meethe looked in all his pockets,but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone So he went outside and looked around for some one to helpWait a moment、' the old soldier answered、beginning to put his hand in his pocket、' I' ll see whether I can help you。' The young man said angrily。now let ' s start again . have you got change for tenpence?No,sir,' the old soldier answered quickly .

()6 .the young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。



a . didn ' t have coins for the phone callb . had no momo

()8 .The old soldier_________ _ _。

A.was glad to help him b . didn ' t know if he had coinsc。didn't want to help him D. was angry

()9 .the young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . didn ' t know how to spp Swerhimcorrectly d . was not friendly to him()10。the old soldier in the story was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.



6.we spent a couple of days watching birds . 7 . television is a cheap way of entertainment . 8 . he needed to find a job to make some me T places or countries答复卡

. 1-5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6-10 _ _ _ _ _

. 1-5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6-10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

.1。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。7._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。


I . 1-5 ccbcc 6-10 cccc 11-15 adbaa 16-20 daaaa

v . 1 . TV plays a very important part in our daily life . 2 . she has many interests and hobbies . 3 . she feels that her life is too \ Are you ready to order5.Thailand is a beautiful country in the southeast of Asia . 6 .我们看了几天鸟。电视是廉价的娱乐方式。8.他要找工作赚钱。9.不同国家或地方的风俗不同。10。露营者去爬山、游泳、划船和骑马。



