



Unit 9、Unit 10单元演习问题多重选择填充

(1. who ' sthe girl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ small ears?A . with B. in C. with a)2. The man ________white is my father。A . with B. in C. for

)3.We're late ________ the party。A . with B. in C. for)4.Welcome ________ our school。A . to B. for C. ina )根据3 )及给出的中文提示,补充句子

1. The __________ (气温) falls below zero at night。3. Harbin is in the __________ (东北) of China。4. We have a lot of __________ (阳光) here in summer。5. It's __________ (多云) today。1 .北京冬天的天气怎么样? 天气通常很冷,和纽约一样冷。 有时会下雨。____the___like___beijingin___?

It's ____ very ____,as _ _ _ as _ _ _ new York.some times it _ _ _。2 .秋天是北京最好的季节。_ _ _ is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。3 .那里冬天经常下雪吗?____ it often ____ ____ in ____?4 .下周是国庆节假期。 南希想参加舞蹈比赛。It's the National Day ____ next ____。

nancyisgoingto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thedancingcontest。5 .我们在哪里见面? 什么时候? 下午2点在大众电影院前面。____ are we going to meet? ___?



we ' llmeetattwoo ' clock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Dazhong _ _。b )用给定单词的适当形式填空

6. There are some __________ (radio ) on the table。7. Lucy sings __________(bad ) than Lily。8. How __________ (wind ) it is today!9. In winter,therearelotsof _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (snow ) days。10.youmustdoyourhomework _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (careful )。二.将以下案文改为同义句11. Shenyang has a fine day .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ afinedayinshenyang。12.thereisraintothenorthofthegreatwall。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tothenorthofthegreatwall。13.inthenortheastitiswetandcold。the northeast _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ awetandcoldday。14. How heavily it rains!wat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rain!15.theradiosaysthesuncomesoutlateron。theradiosaysthesuncomesoutlaterin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。根据首字母缩略词补充对话S: Can I help you?

B: Y es,I ' mlookingforabirthdaypformyfriend。S : W would you like?b : id on ' t know.letmehalookfirst。G : How about that f .

B : id on ' tthinklintaolikesfootball.heisgoodatbasketball。S : What a this basketball?b : it ' snotverynice.id on ' tli kei.canyougmethatone?S : Ok .H You are .

b : it ' snice.I ' llt it.what ' syourpresentforlintao,Jane?G :Ah,it's a secret .I'll give him a s。三.完美填补




overenglandalltheyearround.theyblowfromthesouthwest.they bring7toenglandalltheyearround.englandhasalotofrofroundthefourseasonsareall9months long.ifyouwanttovisitengland,you can go there in 10。1.a.isn ' TB.doesn ' thavec.isd.has2. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. warm3. A. warmer B. warm C. hot D. hotter4. A. carries B. are C. bring D. take5.a.westb.eastc.southeast d.south west6. A. cool B. winter C. wet D. cold7. A. cloud B. rain C. cold D. snow8. A. wet B. drier C. wetter D. colder9. A. two B. four C. three D. same10.a.springb.autumnc.winterd.each season七.根据Read and choose场景选择合适的句子,并在标题前括号内填写标签)1.向麦克风介绍姐姐。A. My sister is a teacher. B. Mike,this is my sister。C. My sister is in blue .


A. Is that woman your mother? B. Is this girl your sister?C. Is that girl your sister?)3.黄头发的男孩是谁?

A. Who's the boy in yellow? B. Who's the boy with yellow hair?C. Who's the boy with yellow head?八.朗读读和猜猜看

1.she ' smy mother ' smother.shemy _ _ _ _ _ _ _。2.hissonismyfather.he ' smy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。3.hissisterismymother.he ' smy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。4.hersonismybrother.she ' smy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。理解第1页


it ' soctoberseventh.theseasonisfall.theweatherissunny,but cool.thetemperatureisabout 17 degrees (度) )。 thepupilsofno.12 schoolhavenolessons.theyareinthepark.theparkisbeautifulandlarge.therearemanytreesandflowersinit.thepare too.somegirlsareunderabigtree.theyaresinginganddancing.tomandjackaresittingbesidetheriver.they are drawing.kateisthere er.look,thereisanappleinrose ' shand.sheiseatingit.they are happy。)1. Today is a cold day。)2. The pupils are in the classroom。)3.Kate is looking at the fish。)4.The park is small .

)5.They are having a good time。Passage2选择读短文,填空

mostenglishpeoplehavethreenames 3360 afirstname,amiddlenameandthefamilynamecomeslast.for example,myfullnaname

people don ' tusetheirmiddlenamesverymuch.so ' johnhenrybrown ' isusuallycalled ' John brown '.peopleneverusemr .mrsormisormisisise utyoushouldneversaymr.John.theyusemr,mrsormisswiththefamilynamebutneverwiththefirstname。' they ask.' whydidtheychoosethatname?' theansweristheydidn ' tcalljim.theycalledmejames.jameswasthenameofmygrandfather.in England,peopleusuallycalmejimforshorshond1.MostEnglishPeoplehave___names。A one B two C three D four2. ____ is Jim's family name。A Jim B Green C Allan D James

3. English people use Mr .Mis or Miss with ____。A the family name B the first namecthemiddlenamedthefirstnameandthemiddlename4.the teacher ' snameisjohnhenrybrown.hisstudentscallhim _ _。amrjohnbmrhenrycmrjohnhenrydmrbrown

5.peopleusuallycallthewriterjiminsteadofjamesbecause _ _ _。ait ' sthenameofhisgrandfatherbit ' seasierforpeoplecallhimcit ' sthenamethathisparentschoseforhimdit ' smoredifficultthanjames



