




日期: 2004-08-27地址:作者: llf登录[注册]2003--2004年第二学期综合03级期中考试英语考试试题2004.4注意:所有答案均填写答案卷; 篡改严重、字迹不清晰者用错答驳倒。一、听力(20 ) )。

第一节根据听到的对话,从所给的a、b、c、3个选项中选择最佳选项。 ((问一次) )1*1) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。(1.What's the sign )标志?

a.no smoking.b.no parking.c.no photos。)2. whatdohisfriendsusuallycallhimforshort?a.theymaycallhimmrbrown.b.theymaycallhimthomas。C. They may call him Bob。)3.What food does Kate like best?a.Chinese food.b.chipsandfish.c.English food。)4. howmanypresentsdidtomgetonhisbirthday?A. Eight. B. Four. C. Five。)5. whatdoeslileilikedoinginhisfreetime?a.helikesreadingbooks.b.helikesplayingbasketball。C. He likes playing football。)6. why didn ' ttheygotothecenterofthecity?a.theyhadmanythingstodo.b.theywenttothecenteroftheycity。C. They were busy to work。(7.Where are they talking?

a.ina shop.b.ina hospital.c.ina cinema。(8.Where is the man's watch?a.it ' sinhisdesk.b.heleftitathome.c.it ' sinhisoffice。)9.What is the man doing?

a.hewantstogetonthebusfirst.b.hewantstogetoffthebus。c.heistellingthechildrentogetonthebusonebyone。(10.What would the woman like?a.teawithsugar.b.coffeewithmilk.c.teawithmilk。

在第2节中,根据被询问的独白,从被给定的a、b、c、3个选项中选择最佳选项。 (听两次) (1*2) ) ) ) ) ) )。(11.we call the _ _ _ newyearthespringfestival。A. Chinese. B. English. C. Japanese。) 12.This year is the year of the _____。A. dog B. sheep C. cow

) 13.On New Year's _____,there is a big family dinner。A. Day B. Eve C. noon) 14.On the _____ day of the New Year,people put on their new clothes。A. first B. second C. third) 15.On New year's Day,peoplesay ' _ _ _ ' toeachotherwhentheymeet。a.good night b.merry Christmas c.good luck二、单项选择(30 ) )。

)1.That picture isn't worth _____。a.boughtb.tobu YC.buyingd.tobe bought)2. thedoctorgaveme _ _ _ _ formy headache。a.someadviceb.someadvicesc.goodadvicesd.an advice)3.howareyougetting____thesedays?A. in B. of C. on D. for

)4. mrblackhasworkedinthatfactory _ _ _ 1985。A. in B. till C. for D. since)5. I ' ll _ _ _ whatyousaidjustnowinmind。A. keep B. have C. turn D. remember

)6. shesuggestedthatthechildren _ _ _ gamesunderthetree。a.willplayb.should playc.would playd.played(7. waslileiseen _ _ _ _ basketballontheground?a.playb.playedc.toplayingd.playing)8. ialsospentalotoftime _ _ _ TV shows .a.watching b.towatchc.watchedd.on watching)9. are you crazy _ _ _ _ listeningtomusic?A. on B. in C. about D. for(10.wouldyoumind _ _ _ _ alittlelessnoise?a.tomakeb.makingc.maked.having made

(11.she preferred _ _ _ with me rather than _ _ _ behind。A. to go; to stay B. to go; stay C. go; stay D. go; to stay) 12.youmuststopher _ _ _ sucha mistake。A. to make B. made C. make D. making

(13.she ' stoo lazy.I ' m not _ _ _ withhherwork。



) 14.the box is _ _ _ _ heavy forme _ _ _ _ carry。A. too; to B. so; that C. very; and D. such; that(15.doingmorningexerciseswill _ _ _ you fit。A. keep B. make C. let D. take(16._____,suchalittlechildcanplaythepianosowell。A. For the surprise B. To surprisec.withour surprised.tooursurprise(17.We live in a _____ house。A. old wooden big B. big old woodenC. wooden old big D. old big wooden

) 18.Ican ' trepairthemachine.Mayi aska _ _ of you?A. help B. thanks C. favor D. dinner(19.doyouthinkthatthewatercan _ _ _ oil?a.bemixedwithb.mixwithc.Putin tod.topu Tinto(20.tomsaidhewasvery _ _ _ to you _ _ _ all your help。A. thankful; for B. thankful; on C. thanks; of D. thanks; for(21.I have _____ his invitation,but I wouldn't _____ it。A. accepted; receive B. received; 宏碁C. accepted; accepted D. received; 接收

) 22.it ' snot _ _ _ tooverstayyourwelcomeafterdinner。a.possible b.politec.important d.pretty) 23.youmaykeepanenglishdiary _ _ _ youcanpractisewriting。a.in order tob.sothatc.assoon ASD.even if) 24.somestudentsrealizethatconfidence (自信) _____ language learninga.playsanimportantroleinb.toplayimportantrolein

c.playinganimportantroleatd.playsanimportantrolefor) 25.- wouldyoumindlookingaftermycat? --Not at all. _____。a.I ' venoideab.I ' drathernotc.you can leaved.I ' llbegladto(26.neithermybrothernormysister _ _ _ new York。a.have been tob.havegonetoc.aregoingtod.has been to(27.I wonder _ _ _ icangetthejobasaswimminginstructor。A. what B. how C. which D. if(28.alotofbuildings _ _ inthecityinthepastfewyears。a.havebuiltb.hadbeenbuiltc.havebeenbuiltd.have been building) 29.emptyingthepostboxes _ _ _ the postman ' s jobs。a.isoneforb.areoneofc.areoneford.ison eof

(30.I ' d like _ _ mythankstothecookforthefood _ _ I ' vejustenjoyed。A. to express; that B. expressing; thatC. express; how D. to express; 微信三.完形填空(20 ) )。

At one of the school in London,thestudentscangointotownintheafternoon.buttheymust1totheschoolbeforesix.one afternoon, bobwenttoseeafilm.whenhecamebacktotheschool,theschoolgatehadalreadybeenclosed.hewentaroundthebuildingto2door.thatonewewated

window ont he3 floor.it was the4office,Bob looked 5 the room,butnoonewasin.he quickly6into the room.justthenheardavoice.boble himself 7a chair.thentheheadteachercameinandsatdownonthechair.hereadabookforanhour.atlastheheadteacherstoodupandwenttowar he didn ' t8me.' bob thought.9 helefttheroom,the headteacher,spoke to the chair,' Wouldyoupleed ')1. A.come B.go C.return D.get)2. a.the other b.anotherc.smalld.open)3. a.firstb.secondc.thirdd.fourth

)4. a.teacher ' sb.head teacher ' sc.doorkeeper ' SD.students ')5. A.at B.out of C.into D.from

)6. A.climbed B.went C.ran D.jumped)7. a.behindb.infront OFC.besided.under)8. A.see B.hear C.catch D.find)9. a.assoon ASB.afterc.befored.when) 10.a.turnupb.turno NC.turn down d.turn off

twofriendswerecampingtogether.their 11 werejimandtim.timwasverylazy.on 12 firsteveningoftheirholidaysjim 13 totim, ' here ' ssomemoney.goandbuysomemeat.' ' I ' mtootired, ' answered Tim.' yougo.' 14 jimwenttobuythemeathimself.whenhecameback.hesaidtotim.' now,here ' sthe meat.pleasecooke ' 15.I ' mnotgoodat 16.youcookit.' sojimcookedthemeat,and cut the bread. Then he said to Tim,' Go and get 17 water,please.' id on ' twanttogetmyclothesdirty.' Tim answered.sojimgotthe 18.atlastjimsaid,' the meat is19.come and eat it.' ' well,I(11.a.brothersb.namesc.friendsd.class mates) 11.A.the B.a C.an D./(13.a.talkedb.saidc.spoked.cried) 14.A.As B.But C.So D.Because) 15.A.Not B.Don't C.No D.Yes) 16.a.cookingb.buyingc.eatingd.cutting) 17.A.any B.some C.many D.much(18.A.meat B.bread C.rice D.water) 19.A.ready B.hot C.dirty D.cold(20.a.havingb.sayingc.gettingd.asking四.阅读理解(40 ) )。

(a ) ) )。 ontheriverthamesthereareanumberofboatraceseveryyearandthesehavebecomeverypopularwiththepublic.perhaps the best -知识库e.thistakesplacejustbeforeeaster (复活节) everyyearandisacompetitionbetweenteamsfromtheuniversitiesofofof and Cambridge.thet adistanceofaboutfourandaquartermiles.thisracehasbeentakingplacealmosteveryyearsear)1. the best -知识库_ _ _ _ _。a.theboatraceoftheuniversityofoxford。b.theboatraceoftheuniversityofcambridge

c.theboatraceoftheolympicgamesd.theuniversityboatrace)2.Generally,theboatracetakesplace _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.onceayearb.twiceayearc.everythreeyearsd.everyotheryear)3. thedistanceofthecompetitionisabout _ _ _ _ _ miles。A.4 B.4.5 C.4.15 D.4.75)4. theracehasbeentakingplacefor _ _ _ _ _ _。a.onehundredyearsb.morethanacenturyandahalfc.acenturyandahalfd.two centuries

)5. the words ' putney ' and ' mert lake ' are _ _ _ _ _ _。A.names of places B.names of teamsc.namesofboatracesd.namesofuniversities

) b ) Everybody wants it、everybody works for it、and nobody can live without it。

What is it? Money,of course! How often people ask us,' Will you go on holiday this summer? Will you buy this? Will you do that?' And very often the answer is,' italldepends . ' italldependswhat? ' It all depends' always means,' If I have enough money,is hall . ' notonlyyoursimplestneeds, butourwildestdreamsareoftenconnectedwithmoney.' ifiwinthenationallottery,is hall . ' somepeoplethinkitistherotofallevil othersthinkitwillsolvealltheworld ' sproblems.bothsidesagreethereisneverenoughofit.ofcoursemoneyisn ' tananswertoeverythins for example.butassomeonesaid.' ifyouaregoingtobeunhappy,it is easier to be unhappy in comfort.')6.According to the passage,whetheryouwillgoonholidaydependson _。a.howmuchmoneyyouhaveb.howmuchyouwillbepaidC.what you have D.if you are invited

)7. thepeoplewhothinkthatmoneywillsolvealltheworld ' sproblemsbelieve that ______。



a.you can ' tbuy loveb.peopletryhardtogetmoremoneyc.you can ' tbuyhappinessd.everybodycanlivewithoutmoney。)8.The passage mainly (主要) says ______。a.thereisn ' tanyonewhocanlivewithoutmoney。b.moneyisnotimportantinourdailylife。c.somepeoplewantmoneybutsomedon ' td.moneybringseverythinggoodtoallofus。)9.Some people think _______。a.moneycanneverleadustohappiness .B.money is the root of all evil .c.moneymostbethrownaway.d.weshouldstopmakingmoremoney。) 10.thebesttitleforthispassageshouldbe ' _ _ _ '。A.Money Is Everything B.The Root (根源) of all Evilc.theanswertoeverythingd.the question (困惑) of Money

(c ) During the Second World War,it was difficult to travel by plane,becausetheseatswerenededforimportantgoverntofficialsandarmed

brownworkedforthegovernmentduringthewarandhewasdoingverysecretwork.nobodywasallowedtoknowimportanthewasexceptveryfewpeopl togiveatalktoafewtoppeoplethere,butanimportantarmyofficercametotheairportatthelastminute.Mr brown ' seatwasgiventohim, sohewasnotabletoflytothecitytogivehistalk.itwasnotuntilhereachedthecitythattheimportantofficerdiscoveredthatthemanwhose seathe(11.Mr Brown was ______。a.anarmyofficerb.asecretworkerc.agovernmentofficialD.a public speaker

) 12.planeticketswerehardtogetfor _ _ _。a.ordinarypeopleb.government officials (政府官员) )。C.army officers D.secret workers) 13.mrbrownhadgotanairticketbecause _ _ _。a.hemustgettolondonatonceb.hemusttravelsecretlyc.hetrainedarmyofficersd.heworkedforthegovernment) 14.Mr Brown could not take the plane,because ______。a.hissecretworkwasdiscovered.d.hewasunabletogobyairb.hewantedtochangeforanotherplane。c.hisseatwasgiventoanimportantarmyofficer。(15.whatdidthearmyofficerdiscoverintheend? ______。a.hehadtakenaveryimportantperson ' sseat

b.Mr brown ' stalkwasimportantd.mrbrownwasakindpersonc.Mr brown didn ' tdoimportantsecretwork(d ) ) )。) 16.thedeathratewentdownfastestbetween _ _ _ _ _。

a.1920 and 1930 b.1930 and 1940 c.1940 and 1950 d.1950 and 1960(17.howmanytimesdidthedeathraterisefast? __________。a.fourtimesb.twicec.three timesd.once) 18.before 1920 thebirthratewas _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.about 30 perthousandb.about 40 per thousandc.about 38 perhundredd.about 38 per thousand) 19.from 1930 to 1945 the birthrate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.had risen about 20 per thousandb.hadrisenrapidlyandreachedabout 60 per thousandC.had reached about 42 per thousandD.had risen and fallen twice

(20.From the graph )图) it can be inferred )暗示) that ________。a.from 1928 to 1945 neitherbirthratenordeathratechanged。B.with the increase of birth rate,death rate rose rapidly tooC.birth control measures (手段) are more effective since 1945d.bothbirthrateanddeathratealmoststayedthesamebetween 1900和1920。5 .单词拼写(10 ) )。

1.you ' dbetternotask ' howoldareyou? ' e (尤其是) to a woman。2.As a nurse,your duty is to a(照顾)到碎片。3.We spent a few days going s (旅游)在内。

4.thereisagoalkickifaplayerfromthea (攻击) team touches the ball last。5.We should not i (忽略) the importance of learning English。6.readingenglishtextbooksisdifferentfromreadingotherm (材料)

7.The game is c (控制) by the referee,with the help of two linesmen。8.The postman is busy d (送达) letters and parcels。9.I graduated from a v (职业) school last year。10.It was raining h (大),buttheystillwentonworkinginthefields。6 .译文(15% ) ) ) ) ) ) )。1 .我们在英语上花的时间越多,学得越好。 (themore (); the better

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 .约翰是司机,他的工作是接送旅客。 (拾起) () ) ) ) ) ) ) )。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 .如果你不努力工作,你会面临失业的危险。 (in danger of )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 .尽管他很有眼光,但看不清楚。 (in spite of )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5 .他命令立即开始工作。 (order )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7 .书面表达(15% )。根据提示要点,以“Manners and customs”为题写短文。提示:

1 .风俗因国而异。 去不知道的地方的时候,应该知道应该做什么,不应该做什么。2 .在中国,人们一见面就常说:“你去哪里? ”我问。 “吃饭了吗? " "。3 .在说英语的国家,人们一见面就经常谈论天气。 他们不问别人的年龄和工资状况。 “入乡随俗”。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _参考答案听力ACBAC ABBCC ACBAC


拼写1.especially2. attend3. sightseeing4. attacking5. ignore6.materials7. controlled8. delivering9. vocational10. heavily翻译1. The more time we spend on English,the better we'll learn it。2.johnisadriver.hisjobistopickuppassengers。

3. If you don't work hard,you ' llbeindangeroflosingyourjob。4.he can ' tseeclearlyinspiteofhiswearingglasses。5.heorderedthatthework(should ) be started at once。作文differentcountrieshavedifferentmanners.whenyougotoastrangeplace,youmustknowwhattodoandwhatnottodo。In China,when people meet,theyoftenaskeachother ' where are yougoing? ' or 'Have you had your meal? ' But in English-speaking countriestheyoftentalkaboutweatherwhentheymeet.they don ' taskothersaboutsalaries their ages or。soyoumustkeepthisinmind : ' wheninrome,do as the Romans do.'



