



上地职校中心2011 - 2012学年第二学期职高班期末考试英语考试(一年农耕、农机、机械、机械加成、计算机)I .单项选择(30%)

()1。I have a lot of things _ _ _ _ _ _ this weekend . a . do b . did c . doing d . to do()2 . it

A.not to go b . not going c . not go d . don ' t go()3 .you ' d better _ _ _ _ _ the cinema bybus . a . 4 .I think all drivers _ _ _ _ _ _ wearse at belts . a . should b . had better c . can weard . might(a . for b . at c . with d . on(

A.to play b . to playing c . playing d . play()8 .what are they doing?they _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . takephotos b . aretaking photo c . take a photo d . aretaking photos()9。-did-I went to Paris . it was wonderful . a . what b . where c . who d . when

()10。I feel _ _。it ' s raining . the TV programs are boring . and I have no one to talk to . a . great b . terring

A.anything b . nothing c . something d ./()12。Liu Ming is an old friend of _ _ _ _ _ _。a.to .

()14。Look!There stands a girl。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my sis ter . a . her b . hers c . she d . she ' s()15。不确定。but she doesn ' t like football games . a . en joy b . en joys c . enjoyed . en joying ii。语言应用:阅读给定句子,从给定选项中选择正确答案(11

()16。-May I have your name,please?-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a . welcome . what ' s your name?b .美国,and you?C. Sara、Sara Smith。What about you?



-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?-Paris。What about you?a . where are you from b . what ' s your phone numberc . are you a doctor()18-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ send emails?-yes,and I can repair the computer . a . do you b . can you c . would you like to()19。-_ _ _ _ are these oo -two yuan one kilo,but they are on sale tomor row . a . what color b . how much c . what time

()20。-________________ _ _?-I enjoy playing basketball . a . what ' s your job b . what ' s your address c . what ' s your hobby iii。填空(20

the man in the photo is my father . he _ 21 _ a blue jacket and black pants . he is a(n)_ 22 _。He works for a new spaper . mother and I can _ 23 _ see him on the 28 th of every month,_ 24 _ he often goes to other _ 25 _ to()21 . a . wears b . wants c . writes d . takes()22 . a . waiter Imes b . only c . oftend . usually()24 . a . if b . when c . be cause d . ss

()25 . a . countries b . zoos c . streets d . schools()26 . a . strict b . busy c . hungry d . young . Re c . he ' s d . she ' s()29 . a

bob And Jim once worked in the same factory . one day、bob lent Jim ten dollars、But then Jim left his work And went To work in another town withoutwell,he must be in,' he thought,and knocked again,and said,' Jim.your shoes are out here . 'I' ve gone out in my boots,' answered Jim。()31。bob and Jim once worked in difference

()33。Jim paid back the money to bob and went to work in another town later。()34。bob hadn ' t seen Jim for a year when he learned that Jim was in another town。()35 .when bob went to see Jim,Jim was not in

people take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment,friendship,knowledge and relaxation(休息)。hobbies include cc Painting,bird-watching,letter writing,football,music,And so on . hobbies help people relax aftex()36。people take up hobbies for。knowledge and relaxation from these activities . a、enjoyment B、study C、free time D和travel () 37。hobbies helppeer

a、after they stay up late B、after they have worked hard C、before they go to work D、before they go to bed()38 . hobbies alsa betbethobbies also benefit and Old or young,even those _ _ _ _ _ _。



c、who have worked D、who have retired

()40 . hobbies can help _ _ _ _ _ _ a person ' s mental _ _ _ _ _ _ _ physical health . a,

A: What can I do for you?

b : I want a T-shirt for my mother . a : _ 41 _?this kind of T-shirt sells well . b : it looks nice . I think my father will take it . a 3360 _ 42 _?B :大小xxl。

A:_43_?we have T-shirts in different colors,such as white,black,yellow and blue.b 3360 yellow。_ _ _ 44 _?答:one hundred and twenty yuan . b : ok . I ' ll take it。_ _ 45 _ _。a : thank you .

A: Could you please help me?B: How much is it?

c : that ' s too expensive . d : what color do you want?E: Here is the money。

F: How do you like this T-shirt?g : what size does your father wear?(10%) a B. () 46。what would you like to eat?A. thanks。()47。what's the weather like tonight?I ' d like a glass of grape . c . it ' s rainy。()49。thank you . d . ok Please help your self . e . you are welcome。标题123456789




