





I am a girl . my English name is Linda . I am eleven years old . I have eight subjects at school . they are Chinese,math,English

我的favorite subject is Chinese . I think it is interesting . I also like English . but it ' s a little difficult for me . I can speak ont Ry is interesting

()Linda has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ subjects at school。(c)a . six b . seven c . eight d . nine()lindahas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ subjects at school a . Chinese b . englise(c) a. difficus

A.Linda can speak a little English . b . Mr Wang is Linda ' s history teacher . c . Linda thinks she can study math well。(;

most people who work in the office have a boss。So do I(我也是)。but my boss is a little unusual . what ' s unusual about hit It ' s a big dog。many men have dogs,but few men bring their dogs to the office every day . my boss ' s dog。Robinson,is big and brown . my boss brings him to work every day . he takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch . when there is telephone cane()6 .people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bring dogs to the office . a . usually b . often

()8 .Robinson goes to meetings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my boss . a . for b . without c . instead of(备用D.with () 9 .Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a. in the office b.

()10。the passage tells us the boss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the dog very much . a . looks like b . hates(仇恨)


bob Smith is a little boy . on the first day at school,his teacher,ms.green,teaches him three words-you,he and i. ' I am your



”Bob says with a smile,' listen,mom.i am your teacher,you are my student and he is your class mate . 'his mother says,' Dear.you are wrong . 'then she says,' I am your mother . you are my son . he is your father . 'the next morning at school Bob ' s teacher asks Bob to make sentences with the words ' you,he and I '。bob stands up and says,' I am your mother.you ars

A.bob ' s teacher b . bob ' s father c . bob ' s mother()2。bob answers his mother with a smile be cause _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . he thinks he can give a good answer b . he goes to

()3 .bob's motheris _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.right b.wrong c.well () 4。_ _ _ _ a . bob ' s teacher is wrong . b . bob ' s mother is wrong . c . bob is wrong .

Mr Chen living next door to us has a habit(习惯)of drinking.the best present to him,of course,Is wine(酒)。now his eldest son brought him a bottle of Mao tai . he was glad and drank it up,Then wrote ' 105 ' on the corner of the trademark(商标)ws.A stranger came and offered(计划)to pay 5 youn for the empty Mao tai bottle . Mr Chen was pleased and sold it。several days later,His second son brought him another bottle of maotai . while He was examining and enjoying it,He suddenly found' 105()6 .the story is mainly about . a . two sons of Chen ' s b . the best wine c . Mr Chen ' s habit d . an empty bottle of Mao tai 7。the story sells us that the stranger was a man who . a . collected(收集)empty bottles b . produced famous wine c . was a maked 8。Mr Chen sold his empty Mao tai bottle be cause . a . he had already drunk the Mao tai up b . he knew his second son would bring him another E offered was hightwhen examining and enjoying the wine sent by his second son

B.the wine was nice

C.the wine had exceeded(超过)the time limit(限制)D. his second son had been cheated(欺骗)

()10。according to the story,who should learn a lesson?a . the stranger b . Mr Chen and his second son c . Mr Chen ' s eldest son d . no one 6

D.an empty bottle of Mao Tai都说Mao Tai病7。

B.produced famous wine 8。

B.he knew his second son would bring him another 9。我不知道,10。



A.The stranger

The Farmer、His Horse和His son

Once there was an old farmer,With a horse which was almost as old as himself . he set out one morning With his son to sell the horse before it died . fathheYou have a horse,it's a long way to market '。'the farmer know that this was true,so he rode on the horse,while his son Can ' t you see how tired boy is?’So the farmer gotdown,and his son rode instead.next,three old men stopped them,one said,' why are you walking,farmer Get upsome time later She asked,' it isn ' t far to the market . give your poor horse a rest . 'so the farmer,and his son,got down once again . it is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time . 1 . the farmer wanted to sell the

B.before it become too tiredc。before it market was overd。before it was as old as he was # a

2.the two men on the road _ _ _。a. asked how far it was to the marketb。said they thought the horse looked very tiredc.ding on his horsed . told the farmer ' s son to get off the horse and walk # C3。the two old women said it was wrong for _ _ _。a . the farmer to Ride such a tired horseb . the farmer to Ride while his Yong Ride instead of his fatherd . only one person to Ride such a long way # d 4the farmer got up behind his son be cause _ _ _ _ _。a . the old man said it was too hot for him to walkb。the three old men ston Did not know why he was walkingd . his son could not ride the horse by himself # A 6、阅读理解能力A

different people have different hobbies . for example、some people like reading、some like swimming and some like collecting things、

In the past,I loved reading books and drawing pictures because by reading books I could learn many new things . now traveling is my favorite . I enjorite

I have many good friends . they all have their hobbies . Mary studies very hard,And her hobby is reading . Tony loves physical work,And his hobby

a . boring b . interesting c . exciting d . difficult 63 . Mary loves _ _ _ _ _ _ a . reading b . knitting

C.gardening d . visiting places of interest 64。Tony often plants _ _ _ _ _ in his yard。

A.flowers b . trees c . fruit d . flowers and tree s65。Judy likes knitting sweaters for her _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

she said to her son,' get up,Tom . we are going to the zoo today . wash your hands and face . we are going to new York by train,' Tom was sixTom laughed and answered,' you know,mum!' You were there in my dream too . '66.it was a Saturday morning _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . may b . March c . in may d .

A.the zoo b . the park c . the street d . the school 68。they were going to new York _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a. be bike b

a .five B .six C. seven D. eight

70.Tom was very happy _ _ _ _ _ _ he liked going to the zoo very much . a . but b . so c . when d . be cause



