




once an old man was walking in a street with his horse . it was raining hard . the old man was cold be cause he was walking in the rain . he wanted Ay in a restaure。

the old man couldn ' t come near the fire . he thought an thought . at last he said to the waiters,Take some fish to my horse.the waiter and the people were very surprised . the waiter said,A horse doesn't eat fish . 'the old man told the waiter,' this horse is very interesting . it can sing,dance and do all king Too . 'so the waiter brought the horse some fish . all the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except the old man . now An sat beside the fire .your horse didn't eat any fish。the old man said,' all Take the fish back and put it on the table . I ' ll eat it。(stove炉)The old man was cold be cause a . it was a cloudy and winterday . b . it snowedc . he travelled in The heavy rain d . he was hungry 2、

B.they wanted to see he horse eating the fish c . they had been told there came the horse d . there was no fire over the stove

3、Indeed the horse can neither _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a to see the horse sing……。He horse……。the old man d to see the horse eat fish……。the old man

5 why did the old man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse?



Jackie chan was born on April 7,1954,in hong kong,China . his parents left mainland China for hong kong a short time before he was born . hinthey wanted to celebrate a safe trip to hong kong。

At first,Jackie ' s family lived in the French embassy(大使馆)。his father was a cook,and His mother was a house keeper . when j His family moved to Australia . His father got a job in the American embassy . la ter bacsyJackie studied and worked 19 hours a day。the students practiced kung fu W to do many stunts(特技表演)there.when Jackie was 17,he began to do dangerous stunts for films . in the early 1990

A.they moved to hong kong a short time after Jackie chan was born b . they moved to hong kong a short time before Jackie chan was born . c .o hong kong after they came back from America . d they moved to hong kong after Jackie chan studied in the China drama academy . 8 . what did jad

A.singing b . dancing c . kung fu and stunts d . dramas 9。which is true according to the passage?a . Jackie chan is about forty years old . b . he was born in America .

C.he wasn ' t very successful when he first went to Hollywood . d . he became famous at the age of 17.10。from the passage we knood

A.neither his American fans nor his Chinese fans like his films b . only his Chinese fans like his films c . every body in the world like his fis Much d



the cages are very big and open Hey usually have plants and a little lake . the cages look like the animals ' habitats .

zoos help to protect all kinds of animals . they protect animals in the zoo and they protect animals in the wild . how do they do this?zoos teach people how animals live in the wild . zoos want people to help protect the animals ' wild habitats . many plants and animals are gray(mammoths,which Are related with Asian elephants,Are now extinct . there Are no mammoths in the world today . scientists say that seventy fountytoday,zoos keep animals _ _ _ _ _ _。

A.inbigger cages b . in the wild c . in smaller cages d . in the field 13。to protect animals,zoo _ _ _ _ _

A.are trying to keep all kinds of animals b . are trying to free the animals c . teach people more about animals d . want people to feed the A mammoth is Aan animal or On ger exists in the world b.comes into this world soon

C.becomes very dangerous d . has fewer and fewer living members d .

there is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her . one day,feeling very sad and lonely,Shewas walking throughfor your wons The good fairy said to The girl,' I will give you any wish you would like。the little girl thought for a moment and then replied,I want to be happy . 'the fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear . then the fairy disappeared .

As the little girl grew up,there was no one in the land as happy as she。every one asked her secret of happiness . she would only smile and anss The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl'

_ _ _ _ _ _ The girl felt sad and lonely . a . there were many friends but b . there was nobods d . seeing The butterfly was caught 17a . helped the butterfly escaped from the thorn b . felt sorrow,But she didn ' t go up to help it c . fell down on it too d . failed to help it relel

C.changed into a fairy d . was more beautiful than before 19 the only thing that the little girl wanted was _ _ _ _ _ _ _

20 the neighbors all gathered around the old happy woman when she was dying,Because _ _ _ _ _ _。a . they loved this woman deeply and they didn ' t wanted her to die b . the woman had lots of money to Hey wanted to know the secret of her lifetime happime



