




本题卷分为第I卷和第II卷。 考生在答题时,必须将答案回答在答题卡上。 满分100分,考试时间120分钟。第I卷(70分)。第一部分英语知识的运用(一共2个,满分30分) )。第一节单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c三个选项中选择可以填写空白的最佳选项,在答题卡上将其项目涂黑。

1. What's your last name? 我的last name _ _ _ _ boros。A. beB. isC. are

2. Can fish live without water? ________________。A. Yes,it can.B. No,it can't C. No,it can。3. There _____ some milk in the glass。A. hasB. isC. are4.lilylefttheclassroomjustnow.that must be _ _ _ _ bag。A. she B. his C. her

5. Joe enjoys ________ music,because it is interesting。a.listen tob.listening TOC.tolistento6.everymorningtomhas _ _ _ quickbreakfastandthengoestoworkby _ _ subway。A. a; //; the C. a; the7.therearerulesinmyschool.ihavetolearn。

A.a lot of; lots of B. lot of; a lot of C. a lot of; a lot8.--don ' tforgetyourhomeworkfirst,then practice the guitar。--I will。A. to do; to play B. to do; 播放c.doing; to play9. --Where the pandas?


a、are; from B. do; from C. are; comes from10---- whoistheyoungwomanlongblackhair?--She's my aunt。A.in B. has C. with

11.iwanttojointhestorytellingclubiliketotellstories。A. so B. because C. and12.huangtingeitherrunswalksintheevening。A. or B. and C . but13. -- does it take to get to school?--Twenty minutes。A. How B. How long C. How far

14. -- is it from here to the school?--About two kilometers。A. How much B. How far C. How long15 .摇滚! 我的电机soup for us。



每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读10个简短的对话和照片,在a、b、c三个选项中选择最合适的选项。 (30% ) ) ) )。16.

iwanttobeasecretary.Ican _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.speakchineseb.use the computer.c.drive Acar .17.a.slow downb.drive fast c.getoffthecar


If you want to join the Music Club,you can goto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.training room 304.b.listentobluemusicc.jointhemonlyweekends。19.mrslilyorderedabeefsteakandacupofcoffee,she needed to pay _ _ _ _ _。A. $4.0 B. $12 C. $16


Student Card

Sichuan No.1 Vocational School李小华类3,等级1

lixiaohua isa _ _ _ _ fromsichuanno.1 vocational school。a.teacher.b.school boy.c.school girl。21.工作卡


Name: John Brown位置:工程师

Mr. Brown may work in a_________。A. school B.companyC. hospital22.you _ _ _ _ _ _ paymoneyforthewi-fi here。A. have toB. needn'tC. must23.thesigntellsyouthat _ _ _ _ _ _ _。

a.youcanleavefromhereb.youcangetinfromherec.youcanenterfromhere根据下表中显示的信息,从24~25个问题给出的3个选项(a、b、c )中选择能够填写空白的最佳选项。China Film CinemaHall: NO. 3Time: 18:35


Movie: Kung Fu Panda 3Seat: 9th,Row 8Price:35

24.youcanseeafilmat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u

a.wandainternationalcinemab.chinafilmcinemac.Pacific cineplex25.thenameofthefilmis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.Jane Eyre b.thesoundofmusicc.kung fu panda 3第二部分读解(共20道小题,每道小题2分,满分40分) ) )。阅读以下短文,从每个问题所给出的4个选项(a、b、c )中选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将其项目涂黑。A

wehavetenminutes ' restbetweenclasses.look! 休息时间time.somestudentsareontheplayground.theyareplayingbasketball.oh! aboyisrunningwiththeball.andanotheroneistryingtostophim.theylooksocool.andtherearesomegirlswatchingthegame.somestudentttthegame agirlislookingatthebirdsinthetreeinfrontoftheclassroom.shemustbethinkingofsomethinginterestingbecausesheissmiling。What are the teachers doing? someofthemareworkingintheoffice.andsomearetalkingwithstudents.everyoneisdoinghisorherthings.theyarebusybuthappy。26.wherearethestudentsplayingbasketball?

a.infrontofthetree.b.intheclassroomc.on the playground27.agirlislookingatthebirds.she is。

A. sad B. smiling C. boring28.What are the teachers doing?A. Working or talking with studentsB. Watching a basketball gameC. Teaching lessons29.therearestudentsintheclassroom。A no B. some C. few

30.The passage is mainly about


Do you know me? mynameismay.doyouhaveanyrulesinyourschool? therearemanyrulesinmyschool.letmetellyousomeofthem。wehavetowearuniformseveryday.id on ' tthinkthisruleisgood.becausewewanttobebeautiful。we can ' tbelateforschool.andw ecan ' teatorsingloudlyintheclassroom.therulesareok。



A. a uniform B. short shoes C. shorts32.The students can't

A.eat B. sing C. be late for school33.Which rule is for boys?A. Don't fightb.don ' truninthehallwaysorthedininghallC .A and B

34.Which rule does May think is OK?A. They have to wear uniforms

b.they can ' teatorsingloudlyintheclassroomC. They can't have long hair35.Which sentence is NOT true?a.therearemanyrulesinmay ' s schoolB. May has to wear uniforms every dayC. May has long hairC

Can You Tell Me?

A father asks his son,' howmanylettersarethereinthealphabet?' ' I don't know,' says his son. His father says,' You don't know? youareintheschoolformanyyearsandyoudon ' tknowhowmanylettersthereareinthealphabet? ' He is very angry (生气地).His son says,' No. But let me ask you a question,Dad. You often go to the post office,pleasetellmehowmanylyled从短文的内容判断句子的正误。 正确地写为a,错误地写为b。36.From this story,we know the son is good at English。37.thesonstudiesatschooloveroneyear。


Monday. oh, id on ' tlikemondaybecausei ' llhavetogobacktoschoolagainaftertheweekend.tuesdayisnotsobad.iusuallyplaytenniswithmyfriendsandsand y friends shool.onwednesdayeveningidon ' TGO out.istayathomeanddomyhomework.ilikethursdaybecausethenextdayisfriday.ialwalwalwalwathed vetheweekend.onsaturdaysistayinbeduntil (到) lunchtime, andisometimesgototheshopsintheafternoon.intheeveningwegotoaclub-therearegoodbandsthereeverysaturday.thenonsundaysigotomy . iusuallyvisitmygrandmotherforanhourintheafternoon.thentheweekendisoverandit ' s Monday . anday。从给出的4个选项(a、b、c、d )中选择最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。41.thewriterdoesn ' tlikemondaybecause _ _ _ _ _ _。a.mondayisthefirstdayofaweekb.hejustspentahappyweekendc.mondayisthefirstschooldayofaweekd.hewillhavemanylessonsonmonday42.thewriterthinkstuesdayisnotsobadbecause _ _ _ _ _。a.hecanplaytenniswithhisfriendsb.hehasnohomeworktodoC. he has a P.E. classD. he is free43.thewritermaygotothemovieson _ _ _ _。a.mondayb.tuesdayc.Wednesday d.Friday44.whatdoesthewriternotdoonweekends?a.stayinbeduntillunchtime.b.watchfootballgamesontv。c.gotohisfriend ' s house.d.goshoppinginthemarkets。45. From the text,we know that the writer _ _ _ _ _。a.doesn ' tlikeschoolverymuchb.likestostayathomec.onlylikesfridayd.onlylikessaturday第II卷(共30分) )。

第一节补充对话(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)

请阅读以下对话。 从给定的选项中选择能够完成对话的最佳选项,并将选项的字符编码写在答题卡上相应的横线上。 选择有两个额外的选择。a :你好,乔!B:Hi,Tina!A:46

b:I ' m读我的书。

答: doyouwanttocometomyhousethisafternoom? 47B:That sounds great! 48答: it ' sonshortstreet.it ' sabeautifulstreet。B:49。

答: yes,thereisalsoabighospitalonthestreet.myhouseisacrossfromthehospital.50B:OK,I' ll see you at three thirty。A. Where is your house?B. I know the street .

C. We can play baseball in the park。D. It's not difficult to find it。F. We can watch CDs at my home .G. What are you doing?第二节翻译(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)请将以下英语句子翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的横线上。51.peoplethereareniceandfriendly。

52.therewerethousandsoftouristsfromallovertheworld-Americans、Chinese、French、Italians、Australians and many others。53. Seattle is a great place to visit。54.ifyouandacanadiangettothecashier ' satthesametime,he will let you pay first。55.thegreatwallisoneofthewondersoftheworld.itismorethantwothousandyearsold。第三节书面表达(满分15分) )。如果你是李华(Li Hua ),请用英语介绍你自己和你的家乡内江。注意:1.字数60字左右

2 .在答题卡上写在适当的位置。



