



职高一英语问题(外研社() ) ) )。

一. matchthewordswiththeirmeanings.15 %1. library A .教学楼2 .工作人员篮球3 .丁宁大厦

4.office building D .食堂5. student apartment E图书馆6.teaching building F工厂7. playground G学生公寓8. basketball H .运动场9. a tour guide I从星期一到星期五10. from Monday to Friday J指南二. fillintheblankswithewordsandexpressionsinthebox.10 %snowyadvicerainfreshlovelyfoggy


1.youhaveagoodidea.I ' lltakeyour _ _ _ _ _。

2.let ' sgotothepark.theairaftertherainisso _ _ _ _ _ _ _。3.don ' tdriveona _ _ _ _ day.you can ' tseetheroadclearly。4. Money is _________,but we don't live for money。5.healwaysgoestoworkon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。三. Choose the best answer. 20%1.someone _ _ _ _ _ the classroom.look! How clean it is!a.hassweptb.issweepingc.aresweepingd.have

2. Your Mp3 is so nice. How much is it?3. It ____ me500。

A. bought B. paid C. spent D.cost4. There is _________ in the room。a.twoamericansb.onechinesec.many Australians5.weshouldstudythenewtrafficrulesandlearnhow _ _ ourselves。a.protectb.toprotectc.protecting.d.protected6. It is already April,butitisstill _ _ _ _ _ _ inthenorthofchina。A. warm B. cold C. rainy D. snowy7.the boy runs _ _ _ _ _ _ fastashissister。A. as B. so C. much D. many8. Neither I nor he ____ a teacher。A. are B. am C. is D.be

9.mrreadknowstaizhouverywell.he _ _ _ heremanytimes。a.hasgoneb.willcom EC.camed.has been10. Just_______ water,please。A. a bottle of B. a bottle C. a D. the11.boys play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sportsthangirls。A. more B. many C. much D. some12.you ' ll find _ _ _ _ _ noteasytogiveupthebadhabit。



13. I________ like computer games。A. don't B .

14. _________,and you will be healthy and fit。a.watchmoretvb.eatfastfoodc.do more exercised.do more homework四. Cloze 10%

oncetherewasaboyintoronto.hisnamewasjimmy.hestarteddrawingwhenhewasthreeyearsold、 andwhenhewasfivehewasalreadyvery _ _1_ _ atit.hedrewmanybeautifulinterestingpictures,andmanypeople _2_ _ hisJimmy ' spictureswerequitedifferentfromother _ _5_ _ _ becauseheneverdrewonallofthepaper.hedrewon _6_ _。' That's very clever,' everybody said.' _ _8_ _ _ otherpeoplehaveerdonethatbefore.'

One day somebody asked him,' Please tell me,Jimmy. Why do you draw on the bottom (底部) half of your pictures,__9__noton。' Because I'm small,' Jimmy said,' and my brushes (毛笔) can't ___10___ very high.'

1. A. poor B. sad C. glad D. good2.a.boughtb.broughtc.soldd.took3.a.different b.cleverc.famousd.rich4. A. buy B. show C. leave D. sell5.a.men ' sb.people ' sc.boy ' SD.child ' s6. A. half B. part C. side D. end7. A. full B. empty C. wrong D. ready8. A. No B. Some C. Any D. Many9. A. then B. and C. but D. or10. A. change B. turn C. pull D. reach五Comprehension 20%A

Can You Tell Me? (可以告诉我吗)

afatheraskshimson ' howmanylettersarethereinthealphabet?' ' I don't know,' says his son. His father says,' You don't know? youareinschoolformanyyearsandyoudon ' tknowhowmanylettersarethereinthealphabet? ' He is very angry (生气)。His son says,' No. But let me ask you a question,Dad. You often go to the post office,pleasetellmehowmanylettersarethere)1.From the story,we know the son is good at (擅长) English。)2.The son studies at school over (超) one year。)3. thefathergetsangrybecausehissonisnotpolite (礼貌) to him。)4. thefatherknowshowmanylettersthereareinthepostoffice。)5. there are twenty-sixlettersinthealphabet。Bthereisanoldtigerintheforest.he doesn ' twanttolookforfoodnow.heoftenasksotheranimalstogethimsomethingtoeat。

One day,he sees a monkey and says,' I am hungry,monkey.gotothevillageandgetmesomethingtoeat.' Ican ' tdothatnow,tiger,' ' thereisanothertigeroverthere.hewillnotletmegetanythingforyoutoeat.iamafraidofhim.' what? ' criestheoldtiger.' takemetothattiger.iwilltalktohim.' themonkeyandthetigergettothebridgeovertheriver.' nowlokdownat ' criestheoldtiger.' iwilleathim.' withthesewords,the tiger jumps into the river。)6. An old tiger lives ____。a.in the zoob.inthegardenc.intheforestd.on the farm)7. howmanytigersandmonkeysarethereinthestory?a.twotigersandtwomonkeys.b.twotigersandonemonkey。



)8. whydoesthetigerasktheotheranimalstogethimfood? Because ____。a.theyareafraidofhimb.onlytheycanlookforsomefoodc.theyarehisfriendsd.theyliketodoso)9 .The monkey ____。

a.goestogetsomethingtoeatb.getstothebridgewiththetigerc.knowsthereisanothertigerd.tellsthetigertojumpintothewater(10. Which of the following is right?a.thetigerisveryclever.b.themonkeyeatsthetiger。c.thetigereatsanothertiger.d.thetigerjumpsintothewater。Complete the dialogue 10%A: How much are they?

B: A large size and a small size,please。C. You're welcome

D. Yes,May I have a look at the dress。E. Please go and pay at the cashier's。F. Can you give me a discount?b.good afternoon.isthereanythingicanshowyou?c.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uA. What size do you want?B. 2_____________A. Here you are .B. 3_____________

A. Fifty yuan for each .

B. 4_________ I want to buy two,a large one and a small one。A. I'm sorry,Ican ' t.thisisalreadyaverygoodprice。B. Then,I'll take one,the small one,please. Here's fifty yuan。a.I ' m sorry you can ' tpayhere.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uB. OK,Thank you。a.6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uA. Anything to drink?

B. Can I get you anything else?C. Are you ready to order?witer :1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uLily: A table for two,please。Waiter: This wayWaiter : 2__________

Lily: Yes,we ' llhavethechickenwithvegetables,and the vegetable noodles,please。waiter :3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uLily: Just some water please。(after the meal )

witer 33604 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uLily:No,just the bill please。七. Fill in the blanks.5%

1.thefrenchpeoplespeak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u2.thebritishpeoplespeak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u3.theamericanpeoplespeak _ _ _ _ _ _4.thechinesepeoplespeak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u5.theaustralianpeoplespeak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u八. writethepasttenseofthefollowingverbs.10 %1.leave _ _ _ _2. say _ _ _ _ _3. get _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.com e _ _ _ _ _5. _ _ _6.have _ _ _ _7. buy _ _ _ _ _8. are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9. look _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7第2页共5页



