



一、单项选择(30分) )。

)1weshouldstudythenewtrafficrulesand1earn how _ _ _ ourselves。a.protectb.toprotectc.protecting d.protected)2. someone _ _ _ _ _ the classroom.look! How clean it is!a.hassweptb.issweepingc.aresweepingd.have swept

)3. you _ _ _ the light.it ' sbrightenoughhere.wecanseeverythingclearly。a.mustn ' tturnoffb.mustturnonc.needn ' tturnond.mayturnon)4----your MP3 isso nice.how much isit?--- It ______ me500。A. bought B. paid C. spent D. cost)5. --- My watch ______。

--- don ' t worry.let ' sgotothelostfound。a.islostb.isbrokenc.hasfoundd.has stopped)6. mrreadknowstaizhouverywell.he _ _ _ _ _ heremanytimes。A. is B. will come C. came D. has been(7. _______ your books,Tom.don ' tleaveyourthingshereandthere。a.puto nb.puto ffc.putawayd.put down

)8.备份! we _ _ _ _ _ mountemeiwhenitrainedheavily。



A. spent B. paid C. cost D. used(10.' theworldwithoutthieves ' isaverymovingfilm.I _ _ _ ittwicealready。A. will see B. see C. saw D. have seen

(11. I have a dream. When I _______,I want to be a scientist。a.makeupb.come UPC.growupd.turn up

(12.wearegladtoseethatshanghaiisdeveloping _ _ _ _ theseyearsthaneverbefore。a.quicklyb.lessquicklyc.morequick lyd.the most quickly(13.thecheesecaketastedso _ _ _ _ thatthekidsaskedformore。A. delicious B. well C. bad D. badly(14.guoyuedidquite _ _ _ _ attheworldtabletennischampionship (,butzhangyiningdideven___ ) ) )。A. better well B. well; well C. well; better D. better; 后端

(15._ _ _ _ chinahasbecomeamemberofwto,English is more popular than before。A.Since B.Though C.Whether D.If3 .阅读理解(20分) )。读完短文后,根据短文内容选择正确答案。A

汤姆isalittleboy, andheisonlysevenyearsold.onedayhewenttothecinema.itisthefirsttimeforhimtodothat.heboughtaticketandthenwentin.butafttertttttttted . butafterthat or three minutes he came out, boughtasecondticketandwentinagain.afterafewminuteshecameoutagainandboughtathirdticket.twoorthreeminuteslaterhecameoutandastandasagain hegirlintheticketofficeaskedhim,' Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?




)2. thebigboystoppedtomatthedoorbecause _ _ _ _ _ _。a.itwasthebigboy ' s jobb.thebigboydidn ' tliketomc.thebigboydidn ' tknowtomd.Tom didn ' tbuyticketsatall)3. thebigboywas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the cinema。a.abooksellerb.apolicemanc.ashopkeeperd.a worker)4. fromthestoryweknow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A. the little boy had a lot of moneyb.thelittleboyknewnothingaboutthecinemac.thebigboywasn ' tfriendlytotomd.thegirlwantedtogetmoremoney)5. whichofthefollowingisnottrueinthepassage?

a.tomboughttheticketsforhimself.b.Tom didn ' tgotothecinemabefore。c.tomwastooyoungtomakefriendsd.tomhadnofriendatthecinema。B

ifyougointotheforestwithfriends,stay with them.If you don't,you may get lost.If you get lost, thisiswhatyoushoulddo.sitdownandstaywhereyouare.don ' ttrytofindyourfriends-letthemfindyou.youcanhelpthemfindyoubystaystystaystysttttayourethoutttttttttthoretttttthoretho ourfriendsorotherpeopletofindyou.youcanshoutorwhistle (吹口哨) threetimes.stop.thenshoutor times again.any signal (信号keepupshoutingorwhistling.alwaysthreetimestogether.whenopeplehearyou, theywillknowthatyouarenotjustmakinganoiseforfun.theywilletyouknowthattheyhaveheardyoursignal.theywillgiveyoutwoshoutsortwif you don ' tthinkthatyouwillgethelpbeforenightcomes,trytomakealittlehousewithbrahches,makeyourselfabedwithleavesandghes。When you need some water, youhavetoleaveyourlittlebranchousetolookforit.don ' tjustwalkaway.pickoffsmallbranchesanddropthemasyouwalkinordertogoback(1. ifyougetlostintheforest.you should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。

a.trytofindyourfriendsbstayinoneplaceandgivesignalsc.walkaroundtheforestd.shoutasloudlyaspossible)2.Which signal is a call for help?a.shoutinghereandthereb.crying twicec.shoutingorwhistlingthreetimestogetherd.whistlingeverywhereintheforest)3. whenyouheartwoshoutsortwowhistles,you know that _ _ _ _ _。A. someone is afraid of an animal

B. people will come to help youC. someone needs helpD. something terrible will happen

)4. what ' sthemeaningoftheunderlinedsentence?a.leavebranchestofindyourwaybackb.pickoffbranchestobuildanotherhouseC. Use branches to make a bedD. Drop branches to look for water)5.The main (主要) ideaofthepassageis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A. how to travel in the forestb.howtospendthenightintheforestc.whatyoushoulddoifyouwanttogetsomewaterd.whatyoushoulddoifyouarelostintheforest    


一.1B2 a3 C4 D5 a6 D7 c8 B9 c 10 d 11 c 12 c 13 a 14 c15 a

二、1 cleans2ispiaying3doesn ' trainwillvisit4toildmoves5was reading6haven ' tseen7go8 to have9living 10 given三. a1.C2.a3.D4.b5.cb1.B2.C3.B4.a5.d



