



The Great WallThe Great Wall

itwasrebuiltduringthemingdynastyGansu provinceThe west end of the Great Wall“The Old Dragon Head”The east end of the Great Wall水龙头

长城就像一条龙,它的水龙头在延伸在渤海掀起波澜,人们俗称这里为了“老龙头”。 老龙头在山海关城南约五公里处,是明长城的军事防卫御体系的重要组成部分也是山海关旅游胜地重要的景点。山海关传球

“The First Pass under Heaven”A beacon towerThe Great wall

thegreatwallisalsocalledthe“tenthousandLi great wall ".itis one ofthe wonders of the world. It is thelongest wall in the world and runsacrossnorthchinalikeahugedragon。ithasahistoryofover 2,000y ears.inold times,it was very difficult to buildsuch a walldecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothetext“The Great Wall”


2.thegreatwallwasbuilttoprotecttheircountries against the enemies3. At that time,onethirdofchina’spopulationweremadetobuildthewall。ftf

4. At that time,people could carry therocksandbrickstothetopofmountains微信公众号。

5. People used the bricks and stonesto build a wall around the earth。6. The Wall which we can see now wasrebuilt during the Ming Dynasty。fft

7.thegreatwallisoneofthewondersinthe world and was listed by theUNESCO as a World Heritage Site。8. In ancient time,soldiers made fire tokeep warm on the beacon towers。tf

Answer the following questions会计到文本。

1. Where is the Great Wall?2.whendidthebuildingofthegreatwall第一瓶?



bildingofthegreatwallfirstbeganduringtheperiodofthewarringstates。3.whydidseveralkingdomsbuildtheirwallsduringthewarringstatesperiod?4.whodecidedtohavethewallslinkedandextended in 221BC?theybuiltthewallstoprotecttheir计数。

The first Emperor of the Qin Dynastydecided to have the walls linked and扩展。5.howmanypeoplewereforcedtobuildthegreatwallbythefirstemperoroftheQin Dynasty?aboutonemillionpeopleweremadeto构建墙。

6.howlongdidittaketobuildthegreatwallat that time?

ittookmorethantenyearstobuildit。7.whenwasthegreatwallwhichwecansee today rebuilt?

The Wall which we can see now wasrebuilt during the Ming Dynasty。8.whatisthetotallengthofthegreatwall?itstotallengthismorethan 6,700九头蛇。9.whenwasthegreatwallistedbytheUNESCO as a World Heritage?

In 1987 it was listed by the UNESCOas a World Heritage Site .1.thegreatwallisoneoftheworld’smost框架窗口。one of形容词最高级名词多个……之一

eg : beijingisoneoftheoldestcitiesinchina。2. be located….是…;



3. the Warring States Period

=the Period of the Warring States .战国家的时代4.thewallswerebuilttoprotectthese状态。was/were P.P .是一般的过去的被动形式。

eg: 1) The trees were planted last年。2 ) The letter was written by him历史事件。5. have (使、让)宾语宾补)过去分词done ) )指他人所做的事或其他情况造成的。eg:(1) I have my bike repaired。) I have my hair cut。

)3) They have their house rebuilt。8.itissaidthat……「…“据说…”的it是形式主语,that是真正的主语。 这是主语从句。eg:itissaidthatthebridgewasbuiltintheming动态

itissaidthatheisgoodatoperatingcomputers。类似的结构有: It is believed that…“据我所知…”It is reported that…“据报道…”It is hoped that…“人们希望…”6 .积极地: force sb to do sth“强迫某人做某事”被动: be forced to do sth“被逼着做了什么”eg:(1) theyforcedthelittleboytocleanthecar。)2) The little boy was forced to清除卡。7.it takes/tooksbsometime/money todo… ."某人做某事需要多长时间(钱)."

it是形式主语,不定式to do是真正的主语。

eg:1 ) ittookme3hourstofinishmyhomework。2 ) ittookmetwohourstogettherebytrain。spend/cost/pay/take的差异8 .用于8. be used to do."eg :积木sandstoneswereusedtobuild华尔街。

10 .“数字量词形容词”(long,wide,high…)表示某事尺寸。

eg:1 ).The box is 4 feet long。2 ).The door is two meters high。11. thousands of“成千上万”,还有:hundreds of“成百上千”millions of“数百万”

1 )、therearetwohundredstudentsinourschool。2 ).someofthethingswerehundredsofyearsold12 .被列为be listed”、“被…登记”eg:My name is not listed in thetelephone directory .电话簿13. as“作为”是介词。eg:(1) he’sgotajobasaneditor )编辑。)2) Please treat him as a friend。同调三星向上

1.thetexttoldussomeinformationaboutgreat wall• 2.one of的用法。• 3.was/were p.p• 4.have noun/pron p.p

• 5.hundred/thousand/million的使用方法。• 6.It takes sb some time to do sth .7 .数量形容词(long,wide,high… . )。家庭

1.do the“语言”sudy”. P42.Preview the Grammer .P5



