



Heze senior vacation al school unit 9 past events 12

What did you do,yesterday?耶斯特日,I……。1.Visitor N .访问者Visit V.N .访问,访问,访问昨天我拜访了一个朋友。

I visited a friend yesterday。 I received a visit from my friend。我朋友来找我了。3

Lesson 1 What did you do last weekend?4(visit、visitor)

1、there are many _ _ _ _ _ _ in our home town in summer . 2、they _ _ _ _ _ the science museum last Sunday He is on

vacation是指学校、机关正式规定的假期,时间长的话,假日是指休息日和休息日。学校放假时常用的复数暑假summer vacation/summer holidays 5new year ' s day is a . 3 . apologize v .苹果

用法:apologize (to sb)。)for sth。/doing sthyou must apologize to your mother for your rude . n . apology make an apology


I must apologize able to meet you。(apology for (not) doing sth)。)。

A.for not being B. to not beingc。for not be d . to not be ' be able to do sth。能做什么事,能做什么事I must make an to you for my rudeness Li帅气的神器?78

What did you do last weekend?换成圆形?What do you do on weekends?I spent my weekend by the sea . spentspend by the sea海滩9 Were you at school just now?Were

yes . I had a chat with my English teacher in our class room . hadhave have a chat with sb。与某人聊天are

Did you have a good time yesterday?陈述将改为You had a good time yesterday.10

where did you travel last summer vacation?




At/on weekends

lesson 2 did you help your mother do housework?1.spend v .支出 spent spend,pay,cost,take spend给予意味着花钱或spend time/money on sth.spend time时间

I spend all the money on the new computer . pay支付,支付(钱)给13


The bike costs me 200元。 take意味着消磨时间

常见句型:It takes sb。some time to do sth。读这本书花了5天时间。用什么时态?)it took me five days to read the book . reading the book took me five days . 14练习

I four weeks finishing the work . a . spent b . took c . payed . cost how much does it?fifty dollars . a . spend b . take c . pay d . cost 2 . pier/pi/码头防波堤fineadj。好的。小巧的153。do some shopping购物do some Ving '试试看.'

do some reading/washing/writing/cleaning 4。never mind。=it doesn' t matter。没关系,没关系。名词5。be late for名词:晚了

I am late for school/work/meeting . 166 . forgive v .原谅,原谅7 .much homeworkmuch/many17


Polite impolite

1、stay too late at your neighbor ' s home 2、say thank you when you get help 3、be late for the meeting lesson 3 was he a welcome visitor、

Polite impolite

4、talk aloud on the bus

5、answer your friend's email in time 6、be ready to help other 1。he continued talking.continue v .继续`

Continue doing sth。/to do sth。记住相似用法的单词stop doing sth。/to do sth.doing之类的事,to do另一件事adj. continuous连续



词组:be angry with/at sb。对某人发火。be angry about/at sth。因某事生气I was very what he said。

3.he couldn't standit any longer。not……。any longer/more不再……。 don't play on the street any more……。 I can '

4.he held the man ' s coat in his mouth because he wanted to drive him away . hold v .抓住,抓住,拥抱 held

He hold a knife in his hand。

We will hold a party this evening。(举行)hold sth。in one's month用嘴叼东西5drive sth。/sb。away把某样东西/某人赶出了23 less

1.chat with sb。=have a chat with sb。(unit 2 21) 2。attention:pay attention to sth。请注意某事

he didn ' t pay attention to the teacher。他没有专心听老师讲课。pay attention to doing sth.24


please pay attention good care of your baby . a . to take b . to taking c . take d . taking " take care of sb。照顾某人3。食品(食品)

Be covered with是……。封面(手动语音) She her face both hands……。(某种时态)265。get to到达

6.around prep。包围。huge adj。巨大的8。at once立即

9.Fight V .战斗,战斗,战斗,战斗,10。Turn V .转弯,变成27。

