



泰安市文化中学2012 - 2013学年第二学期期末考试13年级英语考试班名称分数注意事项:1。本试卷共6页满分100分,考试时间60分钟;

答题之前请明确填写需要填写的项目。4.卷子写在卷子上。1。单项选择题: (每道小题1分,共20分)

1.-What's __A___ name?-_ _ _ _ _ name is Zhang li.a.your、my b.you、my c.your、I d.you和I2。-what ' s your-he _ _ b _ _ _ music . a . like b . likes c . liked . is like 3。-where _ _ _ c _ _ you-I ' m from America . a . is b . am c . are d . be 4 .-where do _ _ d _ _ come from?-_ _ _ _ _ come from australia.a.your、my b.you、my c.your、I d.you和i5.there _ -It's ___C

A.Monday b . December twenty-one c . the twenty-first of December d . the twenty-one of December 7。-_ _ _-it is seven . a . when b . what time c . what day d . what date 8 . it is _ _ b _ _ for you to look for a job。

A.第一次时间B. the第一次时间C. one time D. a time 9。may is the _ _ d _ _ month of year . a . five b . soon . a . wantb . need c . look forward to d . start 11 . who _ _ c _ _a . singing b . are sing c . is singing d . sings 12 . listen!Thebaby _ _ b _ _ _。a . crying b . is crying c . cries d . is cry 13 . don ' t sing here . my parents _ 4-your bag is very nice.-_ a _ _ _ _。a . thank you b . certainly c . ok d . turn 15。-excuse me

-walk along the street and _ _ c _ _ the second turning on right . a . make b . try c . take d . turn 16.

A.arrive in b . get to c . reach at d . arrive 17。the carpark is _ c _ _ _ _ the left,_ _ _ _ _;Across d.in,across 18 . howmany _ _ _ c _ _ _ are there on the table?a . milks b . milk c . bottles of milk d . bottles of milks 19。there are many _ d _ _ _ _ _ food in the fast food restation of20 . I like green food,_ _ d _ _ _ turnips and apples填空完成(;

John is a football star,Heis _ _ _ years old . he usually gets up _ _ _ seven o ' clock . he eats breakfast at _ _。John and his fast Y play for _ _ hours . at twelve _ _,John eats lunch . sc hool _ _ _ at one o ' clock . at six o ' He halveing d . stared 8 . a . starts b . watches c . leaves d . end s 9 . a . to join b . join c . joins d . joining 10.

It is raining。George has to stay at home . he wants to chat(聊天)With his friends on net . but none of his friends is on line now . Mary is studying French . Amy is planchSusan is doing her homework。



nobody can chat with him now . what is George doing now?he ' s playing computer games himself . 1 . it is raining . George hasn ' t come back home . 2 . many of George ' s friends E now . neither is Amy . 4 . sun


a Frenchman was once visiting in new York city . He wanted to see the city,But He was afraid that He might get lost because He didn ' t know a word of endthe Frenchman was once visiting in _ _ _ _ _ _。a . America b . Australia c . England d . France 2

A.shows the name of the street b . is a street map

B.says that it is the middle of the city d . says that the cars and the buses can be passed only one direction 3。the policeman can speak _ Ish b . german c . French d . both English and French 4 . hotelis _ _ _ _。

A.a place where travelers may get food and a room to live in b . a room of his friend ' s house c . a great building d . a living room 5.of the street he copied _ _ _ _ _。a . the name of the street b . the name of his hotel c . the sign on the street d . the name

Jane hasn ' t feel like herself these days . her friends have noticed it,too . rose was surprised when Jane refused her invitation to go shopping LLEBut staying in more than usual isn ' t the only change in Jane . She ' s always been a really good state But over the past few months She ' s not done so weenafter dinner,Jane goes to her room Does a bit of homework,And goes to bed . she ' s not even in the mood to talk on the phone with her friends . wheesRose is most probably ______ _。

A.one of Jane ' s friends b . a good doctor c . a new teacher d . the writer of the story 2 .Jane's main change is in _ _

A.life habit and study b . doing practice and go shopping c . interests and hobby d . working and learning 3 .Jane refused to go shoo Se _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . she has already done it b . she didn ' t want to do it c . she hadn ' t enough money d . she hadn G so well in study might be that _ _ _ _ _a . she stayed in more than usual b . nothing happened to her c . she didn ' Ut her heart in her study 5 . what is Jane ' s main problem?a . she doesn ' t feel like eating b . she is depressed c . she ' s lost all her friends . d . she is always crying

。完成对话(每个小问题2分,共10分)a :比尔,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?b : I want to have some dumplings . a : ok,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?B :饼干。

A : _ _ _ _ _ A _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?B :否,that ' s enough . a : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?b : what are the specialties here?a : some roasted fish . b : _ _ _ _ 5 _ c _ _ _ _ _。

A.Anything else?b . would you like to taste the specialties?c . just a little . d . what do you want to have?E. which do you like to drink,coke or coffee?



用给定单词的正确形式填空(每次骚乱1分,共10分钟)1。they study in a _ _ _ _ vocational _ _ _ _ _ _ _ school。(vocation) 2。weare _ \ 3。they ask me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ join _ the club。(4 .)。I hope _ _ _ _ to be _ _ _ _ _ Theboys _ _ _ are _ _ _ _ climbing _ _ _ _ thetree。()7 .it is _ _ _ sunny _ _ _ _ _ 9。磨合制造商mefeel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ healthy _ _ _ _。()10。I like _ _ _ fish _ _ _

1.I enjoy listening to pop music。

2.小丽,it is ten pass ten now . you must leave . 3 . he gets up early every day . 4 . what ' s the date today?5.What a sunny day today。

6.How can I get to the supermarket?

7.walk that way,take the first turn on the left . 8 . do you like Chinese food?9.swimming is good for your health . 10 . what was the matter with you?。书面表达:(10分)




陈安,1号vocational schooladdressjinan,山东province phone 0533-3185432 country



Traveling,reading,swimming and listening to music



。单项选择题: (每小题1分,共20分)123456789

101121314151617181920 。填空(小问题1分,共10分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415 。完成对话(每个小问题2分,共10分)1 2 3 4 5 。用给定单词的正确形式填空(每道小题1分,共10分)

1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _总共10分钟)1 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3。_ _ _ _ _ _ 4。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

