



高一英语下学期期中考试[模块3]试卷高一英语(模块3 )试卷

本试卷分为第一卷和第二卷两部分,共8页,满分100分。 考试需要120分钟。注意:请将答案写在答案卷上。第一卷(三份,共50分) )。

第二部分:英语知识运用(共2个,满分20分) )。第一节:单独填表(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中选择能够在空白处填写的最佳选项,将答案写在答案卷上。

1. --- Without your help,iwouldn ' thavefinishedmyworkontime.thankyouverymuch!---

a.don ' tmentionit.bdon ' tsay so.cit ' sm yduty.d.don ' ttalkbig。2.- youshouldmeofthemeetingtomorrowmorning.I ' mmissforgotten。---Don't worry. I will。A advise B suggest C remind D permit3.manystudentsfromthenewlibrarysinceitwasopentoall。A benefited B were benefitedchavebeenbenefiteddhavebenefited

4.shefoundthebeautifuldressshehadbeentotoothers。a .锁定前锋; Wold B looking前锋; 微信号

c .锁定前锋; sold D. looked forward; 选灵5---peopleareingreatneedofthiskindoffood。--- yes.it ' sreallyaproblemthathowtotheneedsofthem。A give B gain C satisfy D produce6---- iwonderwhyheleftwithoutaword。--- He some trouble for he looks dull。a.couldhavehadbshouldhavehadccanhavehadmusthavehad7.---Can I smoke here?--- No,at no time in the library。asmokingpermitsbsmokingdoespermitcsmokingispermitteddissmokingpermitted

8.hismarriagehasbrokenup.since then,he always his sorrow drink。a.throws . inb.drowns . Inc.getsridof . intod.forgets . into9.oursuccesswhethereveryoneworkshardornot。a.lies downb.leads TOC.depends ond.results in10.itworriedherabitsheisbecomingweakerandweaker。A. what B. whether C. that D. why第二节:完形填空(共20小题; 每小题0.5分,满分10分)阅读以下短文,掌握其大意后,从1~10道题给出的4个选项(a、b、c、d )中,选出最佳选项,将答案写在答案卷上。

thepolicereceivedareportthatsixmenhadstoppedatruckandrobbedthedriver.it was _ _1_ _ somegoodsandtwobags2of something nt.nt er _4_ _ _ forthreehoursthe _ _ _5_ _ found _6_ _ near the _ _5_ _6_ _ near thehis back.therobbershadputa 10 intohismouthsothathecouldn ' t shout.thepolicegotintothebackofthetruckandfreedthe 11.theyaskedhed' I was stopped soon 13 I left the bank,' the driver explained, ' sixmenstoppedmytruckandmademe 14 to the river.oneofthemsaidifishouted they would 15 me.when igot 16 the river,theytiedmeup.they 14' How much money did the bag contain?' a police officer asked.'' It didn't contain any money at all,' the driver laughed,' itwasfullofletters.thisonecontainsallthemoney,Ihavebeensittingon1.A. carrying

2. A. full3. A. after4. A. waiting5. A. driver6. A. him

7.A. sleeping8. A. feet9. A. after10.A. towel11.A. men12.A. what13.A. during14.A. drive15.A. kiss16.A. nearly17.A. threw18.A. light19.A. were20.A. bothB. gettingB. fillB. sinceB. searchingB. robbersB. himselfB restingB. handsB. beforeB. shoeB. driverB. thatB. before

B. to driveb .基尔

B. nearbyB. throwingB windowsB. wasB. one

C. takingC. fellC. whenC. askingC. bankerC. itC. sittingC. earsC. behindC. gun

C. policeC. whichC. afterC. droveC. helpC. closeC. to throwC. front

C. areC. none

D. bringingD. fall

D. as soon asD. to lookD. policeD. itselfD. dyingD. shouldersD. are

D. handD. goodsD. whetherD. tillD. drivenD. hideD. nearD. throwD. backD. isD. neither




阅读以下短文,从每个问题给出的4个选项(a、b、c、d )中选择最佳选项,将答案写在答案卷上。A .他说。On New Year's Eve

At midnight on New Year's Eve,people in Rome,Italy,throwoutallthethingstheynolongerwant.thestreetsarefilledwitholdchairs, thestreetsarefilledwitholdchairs,clothes and dishes. In Madrid,Spain, thenewyearcomesinmorequietly.peopleflocktothemainsquare.eacholdsabagofgrapes.astheclockstrikestwelve,thepeopleeatttthegreintokyopeopleeatnoodlesonnewyear ' seve.thisfoodissaidtobringlonglife.earlythenextmorning,somejapanesefamiliesclimbmountting1.thisstoryisaboutnewyear ' se vein _ _。A.Italy and Spain B. China and JapanC. Japan D. both A and C

2. In Rome,Italy,thestreetsarefilledwitholdthingsonnewyear ' seve because _ _。a.peoplethrowoutallthethingstheynolongerwant

B.the city has never been cleanc.peoplewanttochangebackwhattheywantD. they want to see the sun come up3.peopleinbothspainandjapanbringinthenewyearby _ _。A. throwing things awayB. eating a special foodC. climbing a mountain

D. watching the first sunrise

4. In Tokyo,peopleeatnoodlesonnewyear ' seve _ _ _。a.becausetheylikeeatingnoodlesverymuchb.sothatthedaytimecouldbelongerc.inorderthattheycouldlivelongerD. though they don't eat themB.

ifyouflynon-stopacrosscanadafromnewfoundlandintheeasttobritishcolumbiainthewest,you can arrive before you set out,that is, bythetimeshownonclocksinbritishcolumbia.canadaissuchabigcountrythatpeopleinbritishcolumbiamybehavingtheirbreakfastwhilethos alreadybeginningtheirlunch.sothecountryisdividedintofivetimezones,eachanhourbehindintimefromthewestzonestheeast.for exax when itis 12 noonatlantictimeinnewfoundlandandthemadritimeprovinces,iti S11 a.m.easterntimeinmostofquebecandontario.winnni Pei liesinthemiddleofthecentraltimezone,here itis 10a.m.inmostoftheprairiesandtheeasternhalfthemountainsitis 9a.m.mountaintid5.theunderlinedword ' non-stop ' inthefirstsentencemaymean _ _。A. to stop everywhereB. no stopping in Canadac.withoutstoppingbeforethefinalstopD. to stop in Newfoundland

6.whichofthefollowingisnotthenameofaplaceincanada?a.British Columbia.b.Newfoundland。C. Quebec. D. Atlantic Time。7. According to the passage,theplacenamedquebecistothe _ _ oftheplacenamedwinnipeg。A. east B. west C. south D. northC.

ifyoudreamofgoingsomeplacewarmtoescapethecoldwinterweather,atriptoarecentlydiscoveredplanetwouldcertainlywarmyourightup.thtup has temperatures of more than 3,000f.' thisisthehottestplanetweknowabout,' says Dr. Dimitar Sasselov,ascientistwholedtholedtedthedthed

thenewplanetis 30 timesfartherawaythananyplanetdiscoveredbyscientistsbefore.itisinthemilkywaybutitisnoursolarsystem.the ne likeoursun,however.scientistsdiscoveredtheplanetbyusinganewplanet-searching method, called ' transit technique '.theywereabletocatchsightoftheplanetwhenitmovedinfrontofitsstar, causing the star ' slighttodim.scientistscomparethemethodtodiscoveringtheshadowofabeeflyinginfrontofasearchlight 200 miles away. hasbeenopenedwidetogoanddiscoverplanetslikeearth,' says Sasselov。8 .微信公众号。A. there is iron on the new planetb.wecouldgotothenewplanetinwinterc.thestarcouldblockourviewofthenewplanetd.scientistsarestudyingtheweatheronthenewplanet9. The 'transit technique' can_____。A. help dim the light of a starb.helpscientistswithasearchlightC .help discover a bee on a planetd.helpfindaplanetmovingbeforeitsstar10.whichisthebesttitleforthepassage?a .新计划搜索技术B. New Distant Discoveryc .空间搜索

E. Dream Planet第二卷(一部,共50分) )。

第一节:根据句子意思,写出正确的单词,注意词语的正确形式。 )共6个小题小题1分,满分5分)。1.anapplefallsdowninsteadofupbecauseofg。

2.therearesevencintheworld : Europe,Asia,Africa,North American,South American,Australia and Antarctica。3.theshopkeeperowedalotofmoneyandcouldnotpayallhisd。4.henryfeltj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ whenhesawthefoodonthebrothers ' table。5---whatarethetwoolanguagesincanada?

--French and English。第二部分:文(共25分)。根据中文意思完成句子(共30空,每空0.5分)。

1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yourcompanyislarge,it can still _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it can still _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ large即使你的公司很庞大,发展太快也会陷入困境。2.he quickly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ toworkbecausehehasa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ toworkbecausehehehasa他很快就稳定下来,专心工作。 因为他擅长与人合作。3.itis _ _ _ _ _ _ thathewastryingto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thathewastryingto很明显,他正在竭尽全力屏住呼吸。4.he gradually _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ofthismethodofresearchaftermanyyyears ' practice。通过多年的实践,他逐渐掌握了这一研究方法。5.we should be _ _ _ _ _ and get _ _ _ _ _ _ ofthehabitof _ _ _ _ _ _ ofthehabitof _ _ _ _ _ _ _我们要坚决破除诚实待人、说谎的习惯。



7.can you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the total number _ _ _ _ ten minutes?你能在十分钟内计算出总数吗?8.isawtheoldlady _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ theboywhohadbrokenherwindow。我看到那个老太太生气地看着打破房子玻璃的男孩。9.I ' d _ _ _ _ _ _ stay at home _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gooutatthemoment。我在家也不想这个时候出门。同义句转换,每空不止一个词(共四个小题; 每小题1.5分,满分6分)。1.She owes me a lot of money。

she is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。2.mostpeopleincanadaliveattheedgeoftheusa。mostpeopleincanadalive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the USA。3. He is said to have gone abroad。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hehasgoneabroad。

4.He was born in a poor family,sohehadtosupporthimselfbydoingpart-timejobwhenhewasveryyoung。He was born in a poor family,sohehadto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bydoingpart-timejobwhenhewasveryyoung用英语解释以下句子,特别注意划线部分(共2小题; 每小题2分,满分4分)。1. He eats like a wolf .

2.lifangwasnotgoingtoholdhisbreathforhujintoapologize。第三节:短文复习(共10小题; 每小题0.5分,满分5分)

在这个问题中,要求修正给定短文中的错误,对每个带有问题编号的行进行判断。 如果没有错误,在该行右侧的横线上() ); 如果存在错误(每行只有一个错误),请按如下方式更正:(此行多)用斜线删除多余的词语,在该行右侧的横线上写下该词语,用斜线也删除。这一行缺少的单词:在缺少的单词处添加遗漏的文字(),并在该行右侧的横线上写下应该添加的单词。字里行间错一词:在错误的词下画一条横线,在该行右边的横线上写下修改后的词。注意:请不要修改原来行没有错的东西。

avidhadastomacheononemorning.1._ _ _ _ _ _ uWhen he came to breakfast,he was crying. 2. _______hismotheraskedwhyhewascried.David3. _ _ _ _ _ _ usidhisstomachwashurt.itwasbecausehe4. _ _ _ _ _ uhadeatentoomuchgreenapplesthedaybefore.5._ _ _ _ uShe told him to go to Dr Scott,he would give 6. _______himsomemedicinedavidgotbacktodrscott ' officeatnineo ' clock.7._ _ _ _ _ uhefoundfourpeoplesitinthewaiting-room.8._ _ _ _ _ uhehastowaitforhisturn.he didn ' tseethedoctor9. _ _ _ _ _ usince teno ' clock . whenatlasthesatdownin 10._ _ _ _ _ _ uthe doctor's room,the doctor asked him whatwas the matter with him。第四节:书面表达(满分15分) )。


1、旅游是一项很好的活动,工作累了,空闲的时候,可以去其他地方领略自然的美丽和城市的风貌。 呼吸新鲜空气,可以交朋友。 可以忘记累了,可以强身健体。2、旅行有时也不是很舒服。 天气变化,可能被雨淋,最坏的情况是可能被偷钱或受伤。3、旅游要做好充分的准备。 我有必要知道天气状况。 旅行伙伴(traveling companion )要互相照顾,注意不要发生事故。注意:短文应包括以上要点,并能适当调整细节,确保内容连贯; 120个词左右。高一英语(模块3 )答案单项选择:

1~5 A C D C C 6~10 D C B C C完美的填补:1~5a acaa6~ 10 bcbca 11~15 bacab 16~20 dabab请阅读:1~5 D A B C C 6~10 DAC D B根据句子意思,写出正确的单词:1.gravity2. continents3. debts4. jealous5. official完成文章1. Even if /though; get into2 .设置下载;3 .观察; hold his breath4. got/gets the hang5. honest; rid; 电话列表6. prevent harmful' from spreading7 .图像输出

8. glaring at9. rather汗同义句转换

1. in the debt to me/in my debt2. on the border3. It is said that4. make/earn his living解释句子

1. He eats greedily and quickly。2.lifangwasnotgoingtowaitwithoutmuchhope。短文错误:

1 .取消on; 2 .移除2.3.cried-crying4.Hurt之前的was; 5 .多点扫描6. he-who; 去掉back 8. sit-sitting; 9. has-had 10. since-until。书面表达:“略”



