



visited the zoo went swimming picked apple stick the activities you did before . went sking climbed mountains played volleyball on the beach tich Ies yyes

Listen and match。

“I went swimming with my parents . it was very nice。”“我的dad and I played volleyball on the beach。”

“I went boating with my twinbrother . both of us had great fun。”“I went sking with my friends . we all enjoyed ourselves。”

listen again and answer the questions . 1 . what was the weather like in that place?2.How was their vacation?It was very hot。It was great。

listen again and match the people with the activities . went sailing played volleyball went swimming Cindy ' s father Cindy ' s mother Hetape

海洛,腾华!How was your vacation?哦,it was wonderful.where did you go?

I went to Harbin with my parents . we had a great week there . wow!What was the weather like?

It was cold,but we all enjoyed the beautiful snow . how nice!Did you go to the ski resort there?Yes,we went there every day . my parents loved sking and I enjoyed skating . we also made a very big snow man together!Hainan hot/went swimming/wonderfullook at the pictures and talk in pairs . a : where did you go?

B: I went to Hainan。

A: What was the weather like?b : it was hot . a : what did you do there?B: We went swimming。

A: Did you enjoy yourselves?B : yes,I did . it was wonderful . look at the pictures and talk in pairs . Taian cool/climbed mountains/exciting a 33666


A: What was the weather like?B: A: What did you do there?b : a : did you enjoy your selves?B:Kunming

Warm/went boating/great

look at the pictures and talk in pairs . a : where did you go?B:

A: What was the weather like?B: A: What did you do there?b : a : did you enjoy your selves?B:

look at the pictures and talk in pairs . Harbin cold/went skating/terrible a 3360 where did you go?B:

A: What was the weather like?



b : a : did you enjoy your selves?B:

please interview five students with the following chart . Zhang Qing Hainan hot went swimming wonderful

name where weather what how was your vacation?it was wonderful/great/notbad . we had great fun . where did your family go?What did you do there?你的假期过得怎么样?太棒了/太棒了/太好了。我们玩得很开心。你们全家去哪儿了?你们在那里玩了什么?

who is the funniest person in your family,your father,your mother or you?who does the housework in your family,your father,your mother or you?Talk in pairs。

read the letters to the magazine family life . last week we asked our readers to write us funny stories . bob and Ben sent us very amusing family stories dees

One snowy morning,She went out for her daily run . when She returned to the house,She slipped and hit her head on the driveway . I sent her to the heyours,bob

Dear Family Life,

My mother is a typical house wife and she does nearly all the housework . My father is an engineer and he never does any family chores . last sundant on My My


Tick the right topic .

Intheirletters,both Ben and bob talkabout :()health()problems

()family stories()school()friendship()travel

bob ' s mother Ben ' s fatherwent out for her daily runwent shopping

滑ped and hit her headwent to the super marketcounted what he boughtcooked for Ben ' s mother

tick the things bob ' s mother and Ben ' s father did . tick the correct sentences . Ben ' s mother is a career woman。

Ben ' s father didn ' t want to go shopping for his wife when she was ill . Ben ' s father didn ' t do any housework。

Bob's mother is a career woman,so she doesn't do any housework。

bob ' s mother had a small accident after her daily run . the doctor asked bob lots of questions。() () () () ()

gave him a shopping laughed till they cried was ill started to count volunteered to go shopping complete the summary of Ben ' s story .

Last Sunday afternoon,Ben ' s mother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。his father _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ And his mother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _in the bag there were one orange,two eggs,three hams,four eggplants,And five green peppers . Ben And his mom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。wasils

Laughed till they cried shopping

use the given information to describe the pictures . last month/mother/ill/stayed in bed last month,Mary's mother was ill.and

use the given information to describe the pictures . bought/vege tables/fish/super market

Mary bought vegetables and fish in the super market .

use the given information to describe the pictures . cooked/kitchen/burn/fish Mary cooked in the kitchen . she burned the fish

connect all the sentences and write a letter . dear family life、last month、yours、


My mother was ill,and she stayed in bed.she

gave me a shopping list . I went to the super market and bought some vegetables and fish . then I cooked in the kitchen but I burned the fish . ghen

我的dad and I played volleyball . we enjoyed the holiday . I went sailing with my brother . we had a great time . mom was ill last weekend

my parents were at home yesterday . my dad and I didn ' t play volleyball . we didn ' t enjoy the holiday . I didn ' t go sailing with

my parents weren ' t at home Yesterday . music/Tom/this morning/listen Tom listened to music this morning . write a sentent Harry/write a sentence for each picture . chat on line/Zhang Ming/Last night Zhang Ming chatted online Last night . write a sentence for each pictureB:是,she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。



he went to the cinema . 3 . a : did you have breakfast this morning B :是,I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。I had bread and milk.did


4.a : was your sis ter late for school yesterday morning?B:是,she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。she got up too late . 5 . a : were you in the library the day before yes b 3360 yes,I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。I read a very interesting novel . 6 . a : were your parents at home lalas b : no,they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。they went to a party.weren' twas was

complete the conversation s and read them with a partner . did _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?Was ______________ _ _ _?Were _____________ _ _ _?

ask your partners more questions . yes,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。

No、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。yes,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.Tom doesn't like to dohousework。

3.Ben ' s teacher didn ' t ask him to clean the window . 4 . the young lady slipped on the floor . 5 . it is just a typical day foor

A.his wife has to do all thefamily chores。

B.she hurt her left foot . c . they go to school in the morning and come back home in the afternoon . d . we all laughed . e . he

find the words that go together . fishing go


a wonderful timea snowmana lot of funsailingswimmingshoppinga long holidayskinga terrible timevolleyballskatingto a park tennis

a trip to Beijing computer games with my friends skating sailingshoppingsking to a park swimming

A partyhavefootball

a wonderful timea snowmana lot of funsailingswimmingshoppinga long holidayskinga terrible timevolleyballskatingto a park tennis

a trip to Beijing computer games with my friendsa terrible timea long holidaya wonderful timea lot of fun find the words that go together . tennis PS


a wonderful timea snowmana lot of funsailingswimmingshoppinga long holidayskinga terrible timevolleyballskatingto a park tennis

a trip to Beijing computer games with my friends volleyball computer games with my friends football find the words that go together . a cake make


a wonderful timea snowmana lot of funsailingswimmingshoppinga long holidayskinga terrible timevolleyballskatingto a park tennis

a trip to Beijing computer games with my friendsa snowman find the words that go together . a trip to beijingi made a snowman . I went swimming

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。

Yes、I had lots of fun.no和I had a terrible time。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

talk about your vacation with your class mates。

hold a funny child hood story acting competition . every one has a child hood . and child hood experiences are often very funny . your class child hood stood

3.choose a re presentative for the competition . choose the most interesting story teller in your group for the class competition . 4.t story teller in your class . you can use the following table to make decisions . story plot(50)_ _ _ _ _ _ intonation

hold a funny child hood story acting competition . total score _ _ _ _ _ _ _ father 3360 son :


what did you do today to help your mother?I dried the dishes . and I helped pick up the pieces . listen and pay attention to the stressed syllables。


()vacation()daily()house wife()sail

()talk about family life。

()talkabout past activities on family trips。()talkabout past experiences。()use the simple past tense。

V.滑雪n .山


V.乘帆船航行v .滑冰n .休假

Adj .帅气的n .父亲或母亲n .旅行,旅行n .家,家庭skimountainbeach



Householdadj有趣的n .事业adj .日常v .返回


Adj .典型的n .家庭主妇n. [~s]家庭杂物v .自愿的n .火腿


海洛!my name is Edna cookie . I am 10 years old . I live in umi ujaq,a village in nuna vik,Canada . I have a sis ter and a brother . my mother is a teacher and

there are about 300 people in my village . the first families came to the village in 1985。it was a wild place at that time,But now there is A school And an airport . my friends And I play volleyball at the school gym every Monday And Friday eveval



