




第51题,-I ' m very sorry for the mistake I ' ve made。-it' s ok。()。a、That can happen to the rest of us。B C、Why are you so careless?

d,You should be responsible for it。正确答案:A

问题52,-I must apologize for having delayed the job-()。a、Pleased to meet you。b、No、that's not your fault。c

d,Thanks a lot。正确答案:B

第53单元、allthewindows()have been repaired . a、breakingB、being brokenC和broken


第54题,let ' s see()we can find out some information about that city . a、thatB、whetherC和when


第55题you ' ll never guess the answer . do you()?a、give upB、get offC、give awayD、get down正确答案:A

第56题,though he had often made his little sister(),today he was made()by his little sister . a,cryTo cryB,cryingCryingC、cryCry

d、to cryCry正确答案:A

第57题,oxygen is often stored as a liquid,although it is used () as a gas.a,primarilyB,seldomC,rarely


第58题,-Pass the dictionary,will you?-()。a,By all means。b,Pleasure。c,None。


问题59,-are you satisfied with what she has done?-()。It couldn't be any better。a,Not a littleB,Not at allC,I'm sorryD,Thank you正确答案:A

第60题-Thank you for calling。a,Don't mention it。b、Nice talking to you。c,That's fine。d,call

第61题,-Can I help you?What would you like?-I don ' t know-would you like something to eat?How about some cakes?-()。I think I'd like some bread。a、Yes、pleaseB、That's itC、No、thanks

d,It doesn't matter正确答案:C



I saw your()。a、kiteB、flyC、bookD、flyer正确答案:D

第63题,When do the bids rise most?the bids rise most just before the close of the()。a、auctionB、actionC、activistD、act


第64题by the time you arrive in London,we () in Europe for two weeks.a,shall stayB,will have stayedC,have stayed

d、have been staying正确答案:B

问题65,the commission is made up of five people,()two women.a,includingB,involvingC,includedD,involved正确答案

第66题,underno()should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions . a、instanceB、circumstanceC和situationD

问题67,I haveheard()he will come tomorrow . a,whenB,howC,whatD,that正确答案:D

第68题-thanks for yourhelp-()。a,My pleasure。b、Quite right。c、nevermind。

d,Don't thank me。正确答案:A

问题69、obsessive()canbeveryirritating . a、perfectionismB、awarenessC、personD和critic正确答案:A

第70题-Could you do me a favor?-()。a,Never mind。b、With pleasure。c、Can't complain。d,Not at all。正确答案:B

问题71,(),I have never seen a more capable man than John . a,As long as I have traveledB,As I travel so muchC,Now that I have traveledD

问题73,-I think I shall read a book instead-()。a、great . watching TV programme is much better . b、no way.our TV set dook。Let's turn on the TV set。d,good idea . that ' s much better than watching a bad TV programme。正确答案:D

问题74,-().-是,where is ladies' room please?a、I can help you。b、Let me help you。c、May I help you?

d、What can I do for you?正确答案:C

第75题-Is this raincoat yours?a、is hangingB、hangs

c、has hungD、hung正确答案:A

问题76,-I am afraid I spilled coffee on the table cloth-()。a,Don't worry about it。b、What's wrong with you C、What's happened?d、You have done well。正确答案:A问题77,little()about his own health though he was very ill . a,he caredB,does he careC

问题78-I don ' t think that it ' s true . he ' s always telling strange stories-()。a,Why not!



正确答案第:C 79题,the manager discussed the plan that they would like to see()the nee

b、carrying outC、carried outD、to carry out正确答案:C

问题80,mywatch () at nine o' clock,but now it()。a、wentStoppedB、wentIs stoppingC、was goingStoppedD,was goingHas stopped正确答案:D问题81,Please enter your () when you pay。a,state



问题82,()at the meeting are some experienced teachers . a,PresentedB,Having been presentC,Being presentedD,presed

问题83,sheis continually()herposition/authority by getting other people to do things for her . a,abusingB,teasingC


问题84,jack won the championship of the competition,()made the whole family excited.a、thatB和who


问题85,The room was designed () a study。a、beingB、beenC、to be

d,to have been正确答案:C

问题86,Mrs . white became a teacher in 1985 . she()for twenty years by next summer . a,will teachB,has been teachingC

d,will have been teaching正确答案:D

问题87、the aim is neither to judge nor to force forgiveness、but rather to () understanding.a、fosterB、harvestC和bbut

问题88:it is his first visit to Europe as the()。a、presideB、residentC、presidencyD、president正确答案:D

问题89,Food is to men () oil is to machine。a、whatB、thatC和which

d,in which正确答案:A

问题90,The book is well()。a,worth reading

b、worthy to readC、worth to readD和worthy reading正确答案:A

问题91,-I think the shop is closed at this time of day。-()。a、No、I think it's open。b、no、I think it' I don't think so。正确答案:A问题92,I first met Simon three years ago . she()at a university at that time . a,has workedB

c、has been workingD、had worked正确答案:B

第93题,-How often do you eat out?-(),but usually once a week。a、Have no ideaB、It dependsC、As usual


问题94,-I am very sorry . can I get you another one?-()。a,That's fine。b、I don't forgive you。c,No,forget about it .

d,It's none of your business。正确答案:C

第95题,we were in the same college,()wasmale-only at that time.a,thatB,whichC,it


问题96、()I accept that he ' s not perfect in many respects、I do actually quite like the man.a、whyB、howC和who


问题97,-I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?-()。I'm not using it anyhow。第98号,if you have a () diet,you are getting all the vitamins you need . a,balancedB,bankruptC,biasedD,boring

问题99,hegotup()early()he caught the first bus . a,so;As toB、so;ThatC、as;王牌


问题100,thechildis spoiled by the()love from the grand parents . a,sufficientB,moderateC,adequateD,excessive



