





1.a music b use c pupil d brush 2 . a wait b said c paid d rain 3 a type b try c lonely d reply 4 a new b few c knew d threw 5 a weave b treat c great d spea Ker 2。单选1 . careless driving _ _ _ a lot of highway accidents . a . affects b . gives c . causes d . results

-That's ______ _ _。

A.a good idea b . right c . an idea d . all right 3 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he will attend the meeting is not clear . a .-She feels better and better .

A.what B. who C. how D. which 5。there is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I want to tell you . a . somethingime Important something 6 . Mary gets up earll

8.India had the second _ _ _ _ _ _ population in the world . a . largest b . larger c . most d . smallest

9 every morning Mr . Smith takes a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to his office . a . 20 minutes ' walk b . 20 minute ' s walk c . ' Mary was so to

11.the garden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ while the greens were away from home . a . took good care of b . was taken good care c

-not yet . I ' ll try _ _ _ _ _ it To you before Friday . a . reading,returning B. to read,to reter To return 13,ii _ _-just go straight along this road and it ' ll be on your right . a . can you tell me where is the rainbow super market b . can you tell me raii a . advices b . advice c . advise d . advise a . effect b . matter c . affect d . goodness 18.after many years of hard work,his dream becoming a college student has a . ' Be true b . in;Become a fact



How wonderful!The _ _ _ _ _ _ ismade of _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a.house、glassb.house和glassesc.house Glasses 20。the patient was _ _ _ of losing his life and had to be operated on at once . a . in danger b . in the danger

C.out of danger D. out of the danger 3 .用给定单词的适当形式完成句子

1.我用了3个小时的I cleaning our bedroom yesterday。2善用We shoud ______ _ every drop of water。_

3._ _ _ _ _ _ _启动时的英语类,we all standup to greet our teacher in English。4.4.The little girl______ _ _ _害怕walking in the dark street at night。5 Why does she always want to _ _ _ _ _ in front of our class引以自豪。6 The TV play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The days when I stayed in a mountain village,7 .让我想起了he is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 how many students _ _ _ _ _ _没来上课thin morning 9。are these dressess for children made _ _ _ _ _ _ _手动10。_四、填补空白

Beijing will ban(禁用)smoking in most _ _ 1 _ _ places starting from may 1-a big step toward tobacco control in a nation of 3



Every day,it is easy to see advertisements add in English all around us。look at your own bags and clothes,And at the bags And clothes of your classmates . how many different advertisements with English words can you see

often bags and clothes show the name of the company that made them . this Is a popular form . a special picture or symbol called a logo(徽标语言)Is some it is hard to forget that product or company . it is common to see advertisement s on TV and hear them on the radio . most advertisement s are very ses t . SOS advertisement s often use funny situations as well . is Remember it . all advertisement s are designed to make people buy their products . an advertisementthe young people are al1 drinking the soft drink . advertisers are saying to you,';you can be young and modern ' you might think that advertisement s are not after you,but the next time you buy a soft drink,Ask yourself this1.From the passage,we know that。

A.all the advertisement s around us are written in English b . many bags have the name of the company that made them c . having soft drinks made N young and

3.people are most likely to remember an advertisement that is . a . in English b . long c . funny d . famous 4。all advertish Ll you something you don ' t want b . make you young and modern c . make you buy the product d . show you what you need to buy 5 .the best Tom Sage may be . a . advertisements for bags and clothes b . advertisements on TV and radio c . advertisement s about sports d . adverts YY

a group of 22 of these new policemen went to work last week in Beijing . they go around the city to see the use of energy in hotels,office buildings shoolthey also set up a special phone line so that people can tell them which buildings fail to follow this rule。if every onne Heir air conditioning at 26,Beijing will save 400 million killowatts of electricity in one summer . that ' s one-third of all TheIn many Chinese cities,Millions of youn RMB are spent in solving(解决方案)environmental problems every year . at the beginning of this monthwe want to tell people that there are certain ways to protect the environment . each of us can find effective www It in our daily life,' said an expert

A.to set the air conditioning cooler b . to check the use of energy in public places c . to set up a special phone line d . to make sure that

7.Beijing will use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ million killow atts of electricity in one summer . a . 1200 b . 800 c . 400 a . 1984-1988in the year 2010中国能源

10.according to the expert of environment protection,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . there is few ways to protect the environment b . it ' s diffice Ing good for the environment d . it ' s not easy for one to do something good for ttr


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