






Reading Writing作业

Unit Eight Life Online培训目标

1、Students will be able to understand online items 2、Students will be able to master key sentences 3、Students will be able to use key phrr


1学习pronunciation of words and phrases 2 translation of some relative sentences 3 use of key items and phrases


students are not good at reading a passage……。they are afraid of making mistakes and not interested in theories of grammar . so let ss know practing

李六。表示不能构成动词时有以下意思。平躺(lay,lain)lie on one ' s back/stomach/side仰卧/趴/侧躺,靠在lie back后面,躺在lie up床上休养He lay down on the grass.存在;雷,莱恩(lay,lain)eg:India lies on the south west of China。there is a book lying on the table。谎言(lied;不确定。里德)艾德:不要钱。不要对我撒谎。说谎。谎言,特尔,谎言,教学后期。


一、leading in (4分钟)

Do you like surfing the internet?what do you usually do on the internet?do you often copy things from the internet?二、look at the picture and guess what the passage about . then scan the passage to check your prediction。(1分钟)guess!

parent-child relationships。互联网。r spiders . 3,Read the passage and circle the correct answer。(10 min) 1。



A.discuss the work on QQ . b . take pictures of the trees . c . give a presentation to the class . d . write about the trees anant e . upload all the information

1.李六。表示做自动词时有以下意思。平躺(lay,lain)lie on one ' s back/stomach/side仰卧/趴/侧躺,靠在lie back后面,躺在lie up床上休养He lay down on the grass.

存在;雷,莱恩(lay,lain)eg:India lies on the south west of China。there is a book lying on the table。谎言(lied;不确定。里德)艾德:不要钱。不要对我撒谎。谎言,谎言,特尔,谎言,谎言,2。Cause vt。原因;原因。eg:heavy traffic is always causing long delays on the highway。由于交通拥挤,高速公路上经常会出现长时间的延误。名词。理由理由Cause经常指导致某种结果的“原因”、“原因”、“原因”,后面是介词of。Reason专注于产生某种行为或想法的原因,然后是介词for贴上。Excuse是指为了逃避指责或逃避责任而寻找的理由、借口。eg:nobody knows the cause of the accident。没有人知道这次事故的原因。你能告诉我can you tell me the reason for your being late为什么迟到吗?I will not listen to any excuse。我不想听任何借口。3.parents worry about(which sites their children spend time on,who三个宾语从句,按陈述句顺序。

they chat with online and what computer games they play)。Worry about是4 .pretend v .担心创造动词时“伪装、借口、自称”的含义。它一般使用名词、不定式或that子句作为宾语

E.g.She pretended carelessness。她假装粗心。he pretended not to have heard about it。他假装没听到这件事。



我进去的时候他假装在看书。5.despite this,we shouldn ' t assume that the internet only brings problems。尽管如此,我们不能认为网络只会带来问题。Despite……。prep……。虽然……。(比In spite of更正式)后面要用名词或名词,不能接受一般句子。e . g .we went out despite/in spite of the rain。下雨了,我们还是要出去。

类似的单词有:although、though although、though引导的子句不能与but、however一起使用,但可以与yet、still一起使用。E.g.Although he was tired,he still worked on。=he was tired,but he worked on。他虽然累了,但还在工作。 though诱导的从句也可以用作反语顺序。也就是说,在把子句的标语或副词等放入though之前,although不能这样使用。E.g.Young though he is,he is fit for the job。他虽然年轻,但能胜任这项工作。Assume v .假设一般以名词或that子句为宾语。埃隆马斯克:我们都认为他是无辜的。we all assumed him to be innocent . we all assumed that he was innocent . 6 . Chen song,a 16-year old student,Is currently working on a project

陈松是16岁的学生,他的工作是对学校所有的树进行分类。当前当前eg:our country is currently developing economy。我国目前正在发展经济。Work on从事eg:a group of students are working on a difficult problem。7.Along with prep……。一起……。e . g .father sent me some money along with the letter。除了信,爸爸还给我寄了钱。如果along with跟随名词接续主语,谓语动词必须与前面的主语一致。类似的单词有as well as、no less than、rather than、more than、but、except、besides、with、together with和Like her她和父母一样喜欢舞台表演。

8.instead of helping him cheat、the internet is actually helping him learn about school subject、While also helping to develop his life skillsEg:取代he will go Instead of you,而是取代Instead of。他会代替你去的。I went to school instead of going to the cinema。7、micro blogs are very short posts about various topics、such as' what I'm doing right now '。read the following micro blogs (1分钟)8,you ' ve just opened your own micro blog。write three posts about the weather,school life,food,or anythis。

I had a picnic with my friends . we had a good time!the food in our dining hall is so delicious/terrible!I watched the film transformers last night . it ' s exciting!第九、assignment (1分钟)read the passage and retell the good points and bad points about the internet .



