



Everyday English

Learn how to love life; 瑞安how to live a meaningful life;Learn how to create your life。热爱生活,学习生活,创造生活类规则:

• No games-1. • No chatting. • No sleeping-1. • No late for class-2类规则:

活动分析1 .组主页1 .距离1 .• Presentation 2

if you don’tmake mistakes,《海贼王》。打开your mouth幸福快乐。

追赶太阳的游戏:通过太阳运动区分morning(早上和afternoon )下午)。morning (早晨)。追赶太阳的游戏:通过太阳运动区分morning(早上和afternoon )下午)。下午好。夜晚事件。

追赶太阳的游戏:通过太阳运动区分morning(早上和afternoon )下午)。下午好。有一天,我向你问好:好早晨。



Mr Li李老师

1 .监听器和tick。(Hi,Jenny!(Hi,Miss Brown!

) Good morning,Miss Jenny Brown!2 .读和匹配。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hi,Mary!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ good afternoon,Ms Smith!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ good evening,Jenny!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ good morning,Mr Brown!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hello,Mr. Johnson!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hi,George!Review• Greetings

good morning/good afternoon/gooding事件

• Nice to meet you• How are you• How do you do欢迎来到• Hello/hi

(老师和学生参加,或者在学生和学生之间练习) )。Review1 .站台

2 .酒店,酒店3 .学校

• 4.street• 5.name的音标6 .登记、入住• 7.wait a minute8 .拼写9 .地址

• 10.name cardEveryday English

Learn how to love life; 瑞安how to live a meaningful life;Learn how to create your life。Everyday EnglishWhere there's a will,there's a way。有志者事竟成

Everyday English

thedifferencebetweenordinaryandextraordinary is that little extra。平庸和卓越的区别在于它的微小添加努力。

Everyday English

Of all the gin joints in all the townsin all the world,she walks into mine。世界上有很多城镇,城镇里有很多城镇虽然进了酒馆,但她进了我的家。

词霸小编:这句话来自电影。 电影的名字是《卡萨布兰卡》。 爱在所爱的人眼里是命运我相信你遇见的所有人,遇见的所有好运和一切接下来的痛苦都是生命给你的礼物和考验。 她那时还在太年轻了,不知道一切命运赠送的礼物,已经在黑暗中中标了是的,是价格。May I have your name,please?

Could you tell me your name,please? 能做到请告诉我您的姓名好吗?

How do I address you? 我怎么联系你?1.A:May I have your name,please?B:Jane Smith答: a:couldyoutellmehowtoSpell'Jane '?(b ) a ) n ) e,Jane。

6. Listen,read and underline2.A:I'd like to check in.B: Yes, sir. Could you tell me your name,please?

A:Mike Brown.

B:OK, wait a minute

6. Listen,read and underline.3.A:Are you Mr. Anderson?B:Yes.A:I'm here to pick you up.

B:Oh, thank you. How do I address you?A:Call me Linda.Ask and Answer(1分):

1.what the dialogue 2 take place?A.HotelB.Home C.SchoolD.streetA Hotel 酒店Ask and Answer(1分):

1.what the dialogue 3 take place?A.HotelB.Home

C.Bus stationD.AirportD Airport 机场Ask and Answer:

1.请翻译:How do I address you??A.我怎样联系你?B.我怎么通知你?C.我如何告诉你?D.看我好吗?AKey points• Words:

• 1.Name[neɪm] 姓名

• 2.First [fɜ:st] 首先的,第一• 3.Last [lɑ:st] 最后的• 4.First name 名• 5.Last name 姓• 6.Name card [kɑ:d] 名片• Words:

• 7.please • 8.tell• 9.address• 10.spell

• 11.check in.• 12.wait a minute习近平

Barack Hussein ObamaMichael JordanMichael JacksonHillary Clinton 英语姓名的来历和涵义

Question 1: What does “last name” mean in Chinese?Question 2: What is the last name of an English name?“Last name” means “ 姓” in Chinese.The last name is the last part of an English name.3. Think and answer.

Read and practise 朗读句型Task 3Hello!

How are you?

Nice to meet you. Hi! How is it going? How do you spell your name?Good morning,Miss/Mr.Hi!I'm fine. Thank you.Nice to meet you,too.

Great! How is it going with you? A-L-I-C-E, Alice.Good morning.A B

Match 匹配 Task 4

1. Hello,I'm Zhang Li. What's your name?

2. How do you spell that?3. Lily Smith. Nice to meet you.a. Nice to meet you,too.b. Hi! I'm Lily Smith.Call me Lily.c. L-I-L-Y, Lily; S-M-I-T-H, Smith.


Match 匹配 Task 41. Morning.2. It's a nice day, isn't it?

3. I'm a student. What do you do?a. Oh,I work in a bank.b. Yes,it is.c. Morning.B

What do you do 你做什么工作What jobs do you know?1.teacher 11.interpreter2.doctor 3.nurse

4.engineer5.manager6.secretary7.worker8.farmer9.auto repair technician (汽车维修员)10.programmer What jobs do you know?1.teacher 11.interpreter2.doctor 3.nurse4.manager5.secretary6.worker7.farmer8.auto repair technician (汽车维修员)9.programmer 10.engineer

It's time to play gamesGame Rules:

每个组分别派出3名实力干将,3个小伙伴排好队,分别随机抽取气球,用身体部位挤爆3个气球后,拿出气球里对应的单词卡后排一名同学上黑板正确写出该单词,由裁判员记单词卡上的分数。Revision 1.check in 2.interpreter3.医生


6.manager7.secretary8.adress 9.name的音标10.auto repair technician Everyday English

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.平庸与卓越之间的差异,在于那一点点的额外努力。





1.Dictation 10.check in 2.interpreter3.医生


5.manager6.secretary7.adress 8.name的音标

9.auto repair technician Computer 计算机 [kəm'pjuːtə] • computer language 计算机语言• Apple Computer 苹果电脑• We budgeted for a new computer. • 我们预算购买一台新电脑。

PC:personal computer 个人电脑

• The price of a PC has fallen by an average of 25% a year since 1982.• 1982年以来个人电脑的价格平均每年下降25%。

laptop:笔记本电脑 ['læptɒp]

• She used to work at her laptop until four in the morning.• 她以前经常在笔记本电脑前工作到凌晨4点钟。


• notebook computer笔记型电脑• notebook pc笔记本电脑;



• Mail Server

• Server , a system that responds to requests across a computer network to provide, or help to provide, a network or data servicehardware:硬件 ['hɑːdweə]

• Some of them do have specific hardware and software requirements. • 它们中有一些需要特定的硬件和软件。Main board:主板 [bɔːd]

• A motherboard (sometimes alternatively known as the mainboard) is the main printed circuit board (PCB) found in computers and other expandable systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system, such as the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals. Unlike a backplane, a motherboard contains significant sub-systems such as the processor and other components.memory:存储器 ['mem(ə)rɪ]• n. 记忆,记忆力;内存,[计] 存储器;回忆• flash memory 闪存

• memory card 存储卡

• The data are stored in the computer's memory.• 这些数据存储在计算机的内存中。hard disk:硬盘

• If you want your computer to run faster, do not instabll too many programmes on the hard disk. • 如果你想让你的电脑运行得更快,不要在硬盘上安装太多的程序。

Processor:处理器 ['prəʊsesə]

• Next, we turn from the disk subsystem to focus on the processors. • 接下来,我们要将焦点从磁盘子系统转移到处理器上。

• Computer计算机[kəm'pjuːtə] • PC个人电脑

• laptop笔记本['læptɒp]• Notebook笔记本 ['nəʊtbʊk]• server服务器 ['sɜːvə]• hardware硬件 ['hɑːdweə]• hard disk:硬盘• memory内存['mem(ə)rɪ]• Main board主板

• Processor处理器 ['prəʊsesə]• CPU(Central Processing Unit)• chip芯片 [tʃɪp]• cache高速缓存[kæʃ]Revision (英汉互译)

• 1.计算机[kəm'pjuːtə] • 2.PC

• 3.笔记本['læptɒp]• 4.笔记本 ['nəʊtbʊk]• 5.服务器 ['sɜːvə]• 6.硬件 ['hɑːdweə]• 7.硬盘• 8.memory['mem(ə)rɪ]• 9.Main board

• 10.Processor ['prəʊsesə]Tom Cruise2

Given name 1Family name1Family name2

Given name

• ID card = Identification card • 身份证

Make an ID card.Her first name is …Her last name is …Her telephone number is …___________________________________________________Jenny Green


7.8. Talk and complete.First NameLast Name

What’s your name? From

What’s your first name / last name? Where are you from? My name’s … / I’m …My first name / last name is …I’m from …Revision (英汉互译)

• 1.计算机[kəm'pjuːtə] • 2.PC

• 3.笔记本['læptɒp]• 4.笔记本 ['nəʊtbʊk]• 5.服务器 ['sɜːvə]• 6.硬件 ['hɑːdweə]• 7.硬盘• 8.memory['mem(ə)rɪ]• 9.Main board

• 10.Processor ['prəʊsesə]

Friend in need is a friend indeed.Better pills may have wholesome effects. where’s a will,there's a way.患难见真情



Everyday English

A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞比手速

• 五分钟记忆:

• 上网查以下英文单词:软件 、操作系统、驱动程序 、程序 、数据 、文件 、文档 :文件夹 、 防火墙 、病毒 一共10个单词,一个单词代表相应的分数(单词卡后面会有相应的惩罚,真心话,大冒险),查完10个单词后同学们抢答,每个人只有一次机会。CPU:Central Processing Unit 中央处理器• In a computer, the CPU is the part that processes all the data and makes the computer workcache:高速缓冲存储器 [kæʃ]• n. 电脑高速缓冲存储器;贮存物;隐藏处• vt. 隐藏;窖藏

• vi. 躲藏

chip:芯片 [tʃɪp]• vt. 削,凿;削成碎片• vi. 剥落;碎裂• n. [电子] 芯片;筹码;碎片;(食物的) 小片; 薄片power 电源 ['paʊə]

• n. 功率;力量;能力;政权;势力;[数] 幂• vt. 激励;供以动力;使…有力量• vi. 快速前进• adj. 借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的Keyboard:键盘 ['kiːbɔːd]• n. 键盘

• vt. 键入;用键盘式排字机排字• vi. 用键盘进行操作;作键盘式排字机排字• keyboard shortcut 快捷键• Virtual keyboard 虚拟键盘• keyboard input键盘输入mouse:鼠标 [maʊs]• n. 鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人• vt. 探出• vi. 捕鼠;窥探

• mouse button鼠标按钮• mouse pointern鼠标指针monitor:显示器 ['mɒnɪtə]• n. 监视器;监听器;监控器;班长• vt. 监控• Performance Monitor 性能监视器• computer monitor电脑显示器screen:屏幕、显示器 [skriːn]• n. 屏,幕;屏风• vt. 筛;拍摄;放映;掩蔽• vi. 拍电影

• Print screen 打印屏幕 ; 截图键• Screen Size 屏幕尺寸fan:风扇 [fæn] • vt. 煽动;刺激;吹拂• vi. 成扇形散开;飘动• n. 迷;风扇;爱好者Earphone:耳机 ['ɪəfəʊn]• WIRELESS EARPHONE 无线耳机

• Each earphone costs roughly 50 percent more to produce in Florida than in China. • 每一只耳机在佛罗里达的生产成本比在中国的东莞要高出50%。sound box:音响

• A sound box or sounding box (sometimes written soundbox) is an open chamber in the body of a musical instrument which modifies the sound of the instrument, and helps transfer that sound to the surrounding air.LCD:Liquid Crystal Display液晶显示器

• A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display, electronic visual display, or video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly.scanner:扫描仪 ['skænə]• laser scanner激光扫描仪

• This picture has been digitized by a scanner.

• 这幅图已由扫描仪进行了数字化。printer:打印机 ['prɪntə]• Printer driver 打印机驱动程序• Printer Server 打印服务器• laser printer激光印刷机• default printer 默认打印机• 1.power 电源 ['paʊə]• 2.Keyboard 键盘 ['kiːbɔːd]• 3.Mouse 鼠标 [maʊs]• 4.Monitor 显示器 ['mɒnɪtə]• 5.screen 显示器 [skriːn]• 6.fan风扇[fæn]

• 7.Earphone耳机['ɪəfəʊn]• 8.Sound box音响

• 9.LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)液晶显示器• 10.scanner扫描仪['skænə]• 11.Printer 打印机['prɪntə]

Trade for national CompanyWang Qing Manger

Address: Room 202 , No 8 Yuhua, Xiacheng District, Baoding.

Telephone: 18868563012E-mail:[email protected]• Fax number:28739012• Note:红色部分一般写街道名(….Street or Road)英文名片的格式• 在商务活动中,交换名片是一项很流行,也很重要的活动。这就要求名片上的英文写法要规范,顺序符合英语规则。


1、公司名称(the name of company)2、本人姓名(person’s name)3、职位、职称、衔头(position, title)4、公司地址(the address of your company)5、电话号码(telephone number)6、传真号码(fax number)7、电子邮箱( E-mail address)Six elements

• 1 Company or school • 2 Name • 3 Title or job • 4 Address

• 5 Telephone number • 6 E-mail address注:(1)关于地名的写法,一般遵循从小地名到大地名的写法。一般顺序为:室号—门牌号—街道名—城市名—省(洲)--国家

Room ** No. ** *** Road (Street), *** City**** Province ******(邮编)****(country)

(2)地址在名片上,应该保持一定的完整性。门牌号与街道名不可分开写,必须在同一行,不可断行。名种名称不可断开。(3)门牌号英美写法可有不同,英语写No. 26美语可写26#

(4)汉语的人名,地名一般写汉语拼音。Read and match

Beijing University for Business AdministrationTom Li English Teacher

________: No. 21 Nankou Street, Beijing________: 18810651357________: [email protected] name

last namejob

telephone numberfirst nameaddressEmail address

14. Read and check.ABC CompanyLi Wenzhong Engineer

Address: No. 37 Huayuan Street, BeijingTel: 010-88514618E-mail: [email protected] Nevell CompanySara Smith ManagerAddress: No. 2 Hexi Street, TianjinTel: 022-84212663E-mail: [email protected]. Read and check.Hexi Nevell CompanyZhang Qing Secretary

Address: No. 2 Hexi Street, TianjinTel: 022-84212668

E-mail: [email protected] Vocational SchoolGao Bin TeacherAddress: No. 28 Fucheng Street, BeijingTel: 010-68253300E-mail: [email protected] work

• 1.请结PS和英语,做一张属于自己的英语名片• 2.每个人找出一句自己喜欢的英文谚语,并说出原因15. Read and complete.

Last Name First Name Address E-mailTelephoneNumberGao

No. 37 HuayuanStreet, [email protected]

Bin No. 28 FuchengStreet, Beijinggaobin0819@

sohu.com 010-68253300Li Wenzhong [email protected] 010-88514618SmithZhang

Sara No. 2 HexiStreet, TianjinNo. 2 HexiStreet, Tianjinzhangqing@

hotmail.com022-84212663022-84212668A: What’s your name, please?A: Which company / ... are you from?

A: Are you a secretary?B: My name is Sara Smith.B: I’m from HexiNovell Company.

B: No, I’m a manager.16. Act and practice.Homework• Make a name card for yourself in ten years.presidentmiddle class

(boss and so on , White-collar worker )Underclass(famer, sanitation workers)• 1.电源 ['paʊə]• 2. 键盘 ['kiːbɔːd]• 3. 鼠标 [maʊs]• 4. 显示器 ['mɒnɪtə]• 5.screen [skriːn]• 6.风扇[fæn]• 7.Earphone['ɪəfəʊn]• 8.Sound box

• 9.LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)• 10.scanner['skænə]• 11.Printer 打印机['prɪntə]中英互译

一路欢歌,一路笑语,我们在北工商的校园里生活,沉舟破釜,励新超越,我们在师长的教诲下成熟,拥抱希望,展望未来,我们在父母的希望里奋发,让我们燃烧激情,梦想起航!我是一个平凡的人,但我不要一个平凡的人生,我将用青春书写未来的辉煌,我会用行动实现我们的诺言,我将用能力证明我们的强大!高薪就业是我们的目标,永不言弃是我们的信念,天道酬勤是我们的精神。回首过去,我问心无愧;为自己,我将唤醒所有的潜能,为未来,我将凝聚全部的力量。用拼搏铸造理想,用奋斗铸造辉煌!我为成功而来,我为胜利而来!我承诺,我愿用我的青春投入科技的海洋。我承诺,用我每一秒的光阴成就自己的未来。我承诺,用我的知识改变世界。我相信,用我的智慧创造更好的明天。我相信,用自己的双手创造自己的奇迹。我相信,我们让祖国更加强大。因为少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,少年胜于欧洲,则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球。我坚信,02,02,独一无二,激情飞扬,共创辉煌!Everyday English

A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞比手速

• 五分钟记忆:

• 上网查以下英文单词:软件 、操作系统、驱动程序 、程序 、数据 、文件 、文档 :文件夹 、 防火墙 、病毒 一共10个单词,一个单词代表相应的分数(单词卡后面会有相应的惩罚,真心话,大冒险),查完10个单词后同学们抢答,每个人只有一次机会。listening and speaking• Nice to meet you!

• Glad to see you! 见到你真高兴!

• I'm very happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。• 1.A:Nice to meet you!



• A:I hope we can be good friends.• B:I hope so.• 2.A:Hey, buddy. Glad to see you!• B:Me too.• A: Haven't seen you for a long time.Where've you been?• B:South Korea.

• A:Your change really gives me a surprise.• B:Really?• 3.A: Please allow me to introduce myself.• I'm John.

• B:I'm very happy to meet you.• A:Me too. I hope we can get along.• B:We will.Ask and Answer:

1.Guess the relationship in the dialogue 1?(2分)A.Friends

B.Teacher and studentC.ClassmatesD.StrangersD 陌生人

Ask and Answer:

1.Where did the man go in the dialogue 2?(1分)A.ChinaB.AmericaC.German

D.South KoreaD.南韩Ask and Answer:

1.In the dialogue 3,what is the man's name?(2分)A.John

B.Tom CruiseC.Michael D.BobA


How are you?

How are you doing/ going?What's up, man?How was your day?How's it going? You look great!如何答?I'm Good/good/pretty goodNot too badI'm very well,u?

Very good,how about u?造型制作。

I am walking in the air .每日生命的日常生活一、起床取得!

• It's time to get up .该起床了。取得最佳答案! 快起来!1.a :获取向上! 信息技术时钟。

• B:Don't be silly. It's Sunday today。• A:Oh,sorry! I forgot。

• 2.A:It's time to get up .B:letmesleepforanothertenminutes。答: ithinkyouwillbelateagaintoday.it ' s备用9 o '时钟。b:oh,gosh! Why didn't you wake me up艾丽尔?


• A:Oh,no. We've overslept. Get up soon!• B:It's still early。答: please wake up,you idle slob! Look at时钟!• B:Oh,my god. I'm sure I will be late艾因。Ask and Answer:

1.why does the man say the woman“silly”? (2分) )。A.It is sundayB.The man is kindC.Woman love manD.They are having classA

Ask and Answer:

1.whattimewasitintheconversation2? (2分) )。A.8:00B.9:00C.10:00D.19:00A

Ask and Answer:

1.「idleslob”是什么意思? (2分) )。a .懒惰b .理想主义者c .盗窃者d .梦想A家庭


场景2 :问路场景:请多关照,礼貌用语等;场景3 )酒店开业)办理入住、退房手续等;场景4 )在餐厅吃饭(点菜、评论菜)唱着歌,笑着,我们在北工商的校园里

鼓励生活、沉船破釜、新的超越,我们在师长的教导长大成人,抱着希望,展望未来,我们在父母在希望中奋发图强,燃烧热情,梦想起航吧!我是个平凡的人,但我不需要平凡的人生我将用青春书写未来的光辉,用行动实现我们的承诺,我用能力证明我们的强大! 太贵了工资就业是我们的目标,永不放弃是我们的信念。天道酬勤是我们的精神。 回顾过去,我问心不好意思; 为了自己,我唤醒了一切潜能,为了未来我要凝聚所有的力量。 努力铸造理想,奋斗斗铸辉煌! 我是为了成功来的,我是为了胜利来的!Everyday EnglishPractice makes perfect熟能生巧

• 1.Software :软件['SF(t ) we]2 .操作系统:操作系统

• 3.driver :驱动程序['drav]• 4.Programme :程序['prgrm]• 5.Data :数据['det]• 6.file :文件[fal]

• 7.document :文档['dkjm () nt]• 8.folder :文件夹['fld]9 .防火墙:防火墙['fawl]• 10.Virus :病毒['vars]软件:软件['SF(t ) we]系统软件系统软件应用程序软件APP应用程序操作系统:操作系统

theoperatingsystemofacomputerisitsmost basic program,which it needs inordertofunctionandrunotherprogramsthevirushasinfectedtheoperating系统of his computer。病毒感染了他的计算机操作系统。驱动程序:驱动程序['drav]n .司机驾驶员; 司机; 兜风打印驱动软件信息标准版


打印机驱动程序的软件中包含电话等标准功能打印布局的设定和适合纸张尺寸的打印。Programme :程序['prgrm]n .计划、计划节目; 程序VI .制作编排节目VT .计划…制定计划file :文件[fal]n .文件文件; 文件夹; 锉刀VT .提交; 锉; 仔细想想; 把…归档VI .列队行进; 用锉刀锉文件管理器文件管理器文件大小文件大小

文档:文档['dkjm () nt]n .文件、公文VT .用文件证明

• When you are finished typing,remember保存到文档。输入完成后,请不要忘记保存文档。文件夹['fld]

n .折叠机; 折叠式印刷品文档文件夹新建文件夹新文件夹文件夹名称文件夹名称

afolderisagroupoffilesthatarestored计算机。Firewall :防火墙['fawl]n .防火墙用作VT .防火墙

Virus :病毒['vars]install :安装[n'stl]VT .安装; 任命; 冷静点howdoiinstallandinteractwiththattool?该如何安装和相互使用这个工具?安装向导

• 1.Software :软件['SF(t ) we]2 .操作系统:操作系统

• 3.driver :驱动程序['drav]• 4.Programme :程序['prgrm]• 5.Data :数据['det]• 6.file :文件[fal]• 7.document :文档['dkjm () nt]• 8.folder :文件夹['fld]9 .防火墙:防火墙['fawl]• 10.Virus :病毒['vars]版本readthewordstogether(P13 ) for 2时间读我(P4 ) )。

learntowriteanamecardinenglish (6elements )grammarfocusiam=I’myou are=you’reheis=he’sshe is=she’sitis=it’s

we are=we’reyou are=you’rethey are=they’reAm I .

Are you .Is he .Is she .Is it .Are we .Are you .Are they .I自动取款机。I am

/we are not。he is。

she is .是,it is。we areyou are。they areI’m not。I’m not./微信无。好’t。





2、小组合作组织适合自己小组的英语剧17. Think and writeIyou




是sudent(s )是cat(s )

是teacher(s )是doctor(s )是管理器(s )安全(ies )是Bird(s )17. Think and write

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uyou’rea doctor.isit ACAT?I’mastudent.areyouadoctor?he’sa teacher.issheasecretary?we’restudents.aretheyteachers?… …… …

18. Talk and guess

engineermanagerstudentsecretarynurse— I take care of patients。— Are you a doctor?— Yes,I am./No,I’m not。19 .写入和任务。

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ umy father’snameisliming.he’sa doctor。Beijing No.1 Vocational SchoolBen Brown English Teacher

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : no.20 Bayi street,Beijing_________:(010(-6449-5256_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : brown 278 @ Yahoo.com.cn第一名称


school name last name地址电子邮件地址



21. Think and write。

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u22 .写入和任务。I want to be a teacher .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u设计所有者名称卡。1.firstimaginethefollowingthingsin 2020。

(1) your address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u)2) your phone number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u(3) your job : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u(4) Your position (职位) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u)5) youre-mail address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u设计所有者名称卡。2. Design a name card for yourself .3.makeafewnamecardsonapieceofpaper。4 .更换错误(yourcardswithyourclassmates )。监听器和报告。

I’ma doctor。you’rea nurse。she’sa teacher。he’sa boss。they’re singers。we’refans (粉丝。(age

(第一个(join) school(安全(公司

) last

(street ) street)地址) vocational(邮件(表格(电话




) use pronouns。

) greet people in English。) give个人信息。n .年龄n .地址n .公司

n .电子邮件n .工程师

adj .第一; 第一个adj .最后的n .经理

n .数字数量age地址



n .护士n .患者n .街道n .秘书n .电话adj .职业的名片



name card虚拟生活家庭

场景一(早上起床)叫醒我,等早饭;场景2 :英语面试:多关照,礼貌用语,自己介绍,给名片等;场景3 )上英语课)课堂、导读等场景4 (旅游旅行)景点,自己的心情等待

Smith is the most common familyname in the United Kingdom and theUnited States.more than3million peoplein the United States share this name,andmorethanhalfamillionshareitintheUnited Kingdom

Smith is the name of a job. A smith(or blacksmith ) is a man who works withmetal.itisoneoftheearliestjobsinallcountries. As a result,Smith becomes themost common of all family names。



